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- IELTS Advantage: Reading Skills Ebook – Jeremy Taylor & Jon Wright
- Dress To Kill – Idiom Of The Day For IELTS
- Erudite – Word Of The Day For IELTS
- IELTS Listening Practice Test 91
- IELTS Cue Card Sample 70 – Topic: Describe an Interesting Thing You Did
IELTS Advantage: Reading Skills Ebook – Jeremy Taylor & Jon Wright Posted: 04 Nov 2016 08:29 AM PDT “IELTS Advantage: Reading Skills” is a fully comprehensive resource for passing the IELTS Academic Reading Test with a grade of 6.5-7.0 or higher.Descriptions:Students who are taking the General IELTS Test can also benefit from the book. This book teaches a range of key strategies for reading more effectively and for understanding texts more easily, such as skimming, scanning and speed-reading techniques, helping students to get a better result in the Reading paper. Each of the ten units provides a variety of long and short texts that cover major topic areas likely to appear in the exam. Each unit is divided into different sections to help students: get to know the many question types and how to approach them; develop skills to cope with the amount of reading in the test; learn strategies which help in making the most of the time in the exam; and develop vocabulary and collocations, with particular attention paid to synonyms and paraphrases, essential for a good exam result. FREE DOWNLOAD HEREDownload IELTS Advantage: Reading Skills Ebook |
Dress To Kill – Idiom Of The Day For IELTS Posted: 04 Nov 2016 08:02 AM PDT Dress To Kill – Idiom Of The Day For IELTS Speaking.Definition: intentionally wearing clothes to attract attention and admiration Example: ” Selina’s dressed to kill today, isn’t she! I wonder who she’s trying to impress?“ ” Wow, look at Sally! She’s really dressed to kill.“ ” A person doesn’t go on vacation dressed to kill“ Exercise:
Erudite – Word Of The Day For IELTS Posted: 04 Nov 2016 07:36 AM PDT Erudite – Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking And WritingErudite: (Adjective) /ˈerudaɪt/ Definition:showing a lot of knowledge based on careful study Synonyms:Knowledgeable, Literate, Scholarly Example:For IELTS Speaking:. For IELTS Writing: Exercise:Choose the following words to fill in the blank: inevitable, contradict, displaced, ambiguous, random, paragraph, guideline, erudite, terminated, inspect.
Answer keyS:
Check out Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking & Writing on IELTS Material website to improve your vocabulary for IELTS and get a high score in IELTS. |
IELTS Listening Practice Test 91 Posted: 04 Nov 2016 02:04 AM PDT SECTION 1Questions 7-5 Complete the following information using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS Surname 1 _______________________ Given name Sharon Address 2 _____________. Tipton. TP3 4MB Date of birth 3 _____________ Type of membership annual Amount due 4 £_____________ Credit card number 4673 9702 0361 Expiry date 5 ______________ Questions 6-9 Label the diagram of the gym using FOUR of the following six labels. Write the appropriate letter in the correct space on your answer sheet. Questions 10 Decide which pair of pie charts illustrate the membership of the gym and spa and write the appropriate letter on your answer sheet. SECTION 2Questions 11-12 Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. 11. The university has produced a ________________ to inform students about the different accommodation options available. 12. All catered and self-catered accommodation is close to the _______________________ Questions 13-16 On your answer sheet, write A. if the statement applies to catered accommodation B. if the statement applies to self-catered accommodation C. if the statement applies to private accommodation D. if the statement is not mentioned at all by the accommodation officer 13. Meals are included in the rent. 14. This is the best accommodation for people who want to choose when they eat. 15. Most students live in this kind of accommodation. 16. This is the most expensive type of accommodation. Questions 17-20 Decide which letter on the map shows the location of each of the following university halls of residence. SECTION 3Questions 21-24 Answer the questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. 21. When did Jenny arrive at the university? 22. What is Tom going to study? 23. What is jenny going to study? 24. What two items have the students been given? Questions 25-27 Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS for each gap. 25. Tom's Hall of Residence is named _________________________ 26. Tom’s accommodation is a _____________________ from the campus. 27. Jenny’s accommodation is near the campus, close to the________________________ Questions 28-30 Decide which three items Jenny needs to buy and write the appropriate letters on your answer sheet in any order. A. binders E. pencils B. notebooks F. pens C. notepaper G. printer D. paperclips H. printer paper SECTION 4Questions 31-33 31. Which pie chart shows the ages of the Asian students surveyed ? 32. Which pie chart shows the main reasons Asian students wanted to study abroad? 33. Which bar chart shows the percentage of Asian students who made Australia their first choice destination? Questions 34-35 Answer the following questions using A NUMBER for each answer. 34. Approximately how many foreign students enrolled in Australia in the year 2000? 35. How much did Australia’s education exports rise by last year? Questions 36-40 Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS/NUMBERS for each gap. 36. It became harder to get a __________________ for the USA after September 11. 37. __________________of Asian students gave lower study fees as a reason for choosing Australia. 38. Asian students rank Australia number _____________________ in terms of educational quality. 39. ______________________ programmers are unlikely to reduce the number of students going abroad in the near future. 40. Asian students are increasingly using __________________ to help arrange their studies abroad. Answer keys: Section 1, Questions 1-10
8 .A
C Section 2, Questions 11-20
city centre A B D D B D H F Section 3, Questions 21-30
European History Geography timetable, reading/book list Wish Lane 30 minute walk north gate 28-30 IN ANY ORDER A, B, H Section 4, Questions 31-40
B A 100000 17.8% visa 20% three/3 Trans-national (education) education agents BONUS EXERCISE: GAP-FILLING The texts below are transcript for your IELTS Listening Practice Test. To make the most out of this transcript, we removed some words from the texts and replaced with spaces. You have to fill each space with the missing word by listening to the audio for this IELTS listening practice test. SECTION 1 Woman: Hello. I’d like to become a member of the [……………………………..]. Man: Certainly. Have you filled out an [……………………………..]form? Woman: Not yet. Do you have one? Man: Yes. I’ve got one right here. Or I could just enter your details [……………………………..]into the computer. It would be quicker. Woman: OK. Go ahead. Man: Could you tell me your name, please? Woman: My surname is Pierce-P I E R C E-and my given name is Sharon- S HARO N. Man: Thank you. And your address? Woman: [……………………………..]. Tipton, TP3 4MB. Man: Could I just note your date of birth? Woman: [……………………………..]. Man: Are you just applying for membership of the gym or would you like to join the [……………………………..]as well? There’s a special price of £50 a month or [……………………………..]for three months. Woman: I’d just like to join the gym, thanks. Man: OK. That’s £20 a month, £50 every three months or [……………………………..]a year. Woman: I'll pay for the year. Man: Will you be paying by [……………………………..]? Woman: Yes. Here you are. Man: Thank you. Card number … [……………………………..]… expiry date … [……………………………..]. OK. I’ll just print out a form for you to sign and you’re a member. … There you are. Sign here, please. Woman: Great. Thank you. Could you just show me around very quickly? Man: Certainly. Mike? Could you take over here for a few minutes? … Come this way. Right by [……………………………..], we have a [……………………………..]area, serving healthy food and drinks-no coffee or chocolate! Woman: What a good idea! Man: Beyond that, as you can see, there’s the main gym area. The [……………………………..]are by the window, so you get a great view across the river. Opposite them are various machines and at the far end you can see the free weights area. If you look at the far end, you’ll see two doors. The one on the left is the ladies’ [……………………………..]area and the one on the right is the men’s. Woman: And the swimming pool? Man: There’s a door in each changing area that leads to the [……………………………..]. Woman: The health spa is upstairs isn’t it? Man: Yes, there’s a flight of stairs leading from each changing room to the spa area. Oh, I forgot to [……………………………..]that there’s a [……………………………..]beside each changing area. Our members love using those after a workout. Woman: How many members are there? Man: About 300 people, of which [……………………………..]are members of both the gym and health spa. Only about half of those people come regularly. Woman: Does it ever get [……………………………..]? Man: It can get a little cramped at the weekends and [……………………………..]in the evenings during the week. A lot of people like to use the [……………………………..]. There are no rules about how long you can use a particular machine, but we ask people to be [……………………………..]. The swimming pool rarely gets crowded. Woman: Are most of the members men or women? Man: I’d sav that there are a few more women than men. [……………………………..]are more likely to join the gym and spa, whilst men usually iust join the gvm. Woman: Well, thank you very much. I’ll be along tomorrow for my first [……………………………..]. You open at 7, right? Man: Yes, we’re open from 7 in the morning to 10 in the evening. See you tomorrow! SECTION 2 Accommodation officer: We understand the importance [……………………………..]plays in student life. Which is why we aim to provide you with not only the best possible range and standard of housing, but also advice and [……………………………..]on the whole accommodation [……………………………..]. With our help you should find yourself somewhere you want to live and get [……………………………..]in with as little hassle as possible. Throughout the guide that I have iust [……………………………..], you will find details of the wide range of accommodation available at the university and how you can apply for it. We hope that the information we provide will [……………………………..]you to make your choices, but please contact us at any time if you have any questions. Our accommodation [……………………………..]from the catered to the self-catered, the modern to the [……………………………..], and is based over [……………………………..]across the city, all of which are located within a short walk or bus ride of the city centre. First, let’s look at [……………………………..]accommodation. Moving away from home for the first time can be as scary as it is exciting. Our traditional catered accommodation makes things easier for you, with meals included in the rent and a [……………………………..]support network to help you adjust. And with around [……………………………..] students in catered accommodation you’ll have ample [……………………………..]to make new friends. If you like choosing what and when to eat, [……………………………..]will be ideal. More than half of our new students live in self-catered accommodation, which offers a taste of real [……………………………..]plus the benefits of a sociable and [……………………………..]environment. You can choose from either self-catering fiats, larger occupancy [……………………………..]or university managed accommodation for one person flats, couples or families. Then there’s private accommodation. University accommodation isn’t for everyone. If for some reason you don’t get a place or would prefer to rent [……………………………..], we also have a register of University [……………………………..]accommodation and can offer advice and support if you want to rent [……………………………..]flats or lodgings in the city. Now, here you can see a map of the university accommodation nearest to the [……………………………..]. Malvern Halls are located on Humber Road, between Severn Road and Thames Road. This is the tallest Halls of Residence, being a [……………………………..]block of student flats. You can get a good view of the campus from here. Grampian Halls are also [……………………………..]between Severn Road and Thames Road, where Liverpool Road, sorrv. Lane, joins the two. Don’t get Liverpool Road [……………………………..]with Liverpool Lane as I just did! It’s on the south side of the street. Brecon Halls are between the South Gate and the West Gate. They’re very [……………………………..]nearer the West Gate, actually. These Halls are popular because they are newer and the rooms are [……………………………..]larger than in older Halls. Sperrin Halls are nearest to the North Gate … er … South Gate, on Avon Road, but not [……………………………..]it. Well, whichever type of accommodation you go for, I hope it suits you. Now, I’d like to mention… SECTION 3 Jenny: Hi Tom! How are you? Have you been here long? Tom: Hi Jenny! I’m fine. I arrived yesterday, on Sunday. How about you? Jenny: I got here last week, on [……………………………..]. No, sorry-just a minute, what day is it today? Thursday, not Wednesday. Tom: Why did you come so early? We don’t have to be here until tomorrow. Couldn’t wait to be free from your parents, I bet. Jenny: Very funny! I know I came a bit earlier than most people, but I wanted to move my things into my flat and take a look around the [……………………………..]and the town. So, did you [……………………………..]to take English [……………………………..]in the end? Tom: No, I changed my mind and decided on [……………………………..]History instead. At school, you said vou were going to take [……………………………..], right? Jenny: Yes, although I was also considering geology. Tom: Sounds the same to me! Jenny: Well, I guess there are [……………………………..], but they’re not quite the same. What kind of information have you been given about your courses? Tom: Well, not much. I’ve got my [……………………………..]and a basic reading list. Jenny: Yeah, me too. I’ve been given a list of books to start reading. I think there are 5 or 6 of them. Tom: Yeah, I’ve got a similar list. They’re just books that [……………………………..]the basics for the courses during the first year. Jenny: So, what’s your timetable like? I get Wednesday and Friday afternoons off, but the rest of the days are fairly full. Tom: Me too. Do your lectures and [……………………………..]start next week too? Jenny: Yes. I think everyone’s do. This week is just [……………………………..], isn't it? Tom: That’s what I gathered. My first class on Monday morning is …wait for it… oh, Modern British History-I’m looking forward to that! How about you? Jenny: Erm … Human Geography-also on Monday morning. Tom: It says here that the title of the first [……………………………..]is “The Victorian Legacy” – sounds good! How about you? Jenny: I've got “Global Population [……………………………..]“. Intriguing! … Where are you living? Tom: I got a place in the Halls of Residence at Wish Lane Hall. Jenny: Wish? As in ‘make a wish’. Tom: Funny name, eh? Jenny: I’m at Bridge Road Halls of [……………………………..]. Tom: That’s very close to the university campus, isn’t it? My place is a bit further away. Jenny: Can you walk or do you need to take a bus? Tom: Erm … I can walk, but it takes about [……………………………..]. There’s a bus. I guess I’ll walk if it’s not a bad day and take the bus if it’s raining. Jenny: I’ll t.hink of you when I am taking the five minute walk from my hall to the [……………………………..]! Tom: I’m sure you will! At least I’ve got somewhere to stay if I don't want to walk home! Jenny: Cheeky! Tom: Is your hall near the main gate or the north gate? Jenny: The north gate. Hey, I’m on my way to the shops. Coming? Tom: Sure. What are you going to buy? Food? Jenny: Well, I might pick up a few things, but I was really going to buy some [……………………………..]for taking lecture notes seminar notes and some printer paper. Tom: That’s a good idea. 1 need a few [……………………………..]to put my notes in. Jenny: That’s a good idea. I’ll get a couple too. Pencils? No, I’ve got a few. Tom: Oh, some pens-I always seem to lose them! Well, you’ve been here the longest. Where do we go? Jenny: There’s a shop here on campus, near the main gate. There’s a café next door, so we can stop there too, if you like. Tom: Great idea – I could do with a coffee and a cake! SECTION 4 Presenter: Welcome to this presentation on the [……………………………..]of our survey of Asian students in Australia, the UK and the US. Australia is growing in [……………………………..]among Asian students, while the UK and the US are losing ground as the place to study for a degree, according to our international [……………………………..]. Our research is based on the views of [……………………………..]from 10 Asian countries studying in Britain, the USA and Australia. [……………………………..]of the students were aged between 18 and 21. and 30% were between 22 and 25. Four in 10 students cited a better quality of [……………………………..]as their main reason for studying away from their home country. About [……………………………..] said they were doing it to [……………………………..]their experience and because they were attracted by the [……………………………..]experience of living in a foreign country. Business, commerce and marketing are still by far the most [……………………………..]field of study, attracting almost [……………………………..]of students. Three quarters of Asian students [……………………………..]in Australia said it was their first choice, compared to less than half when we [……………………………..]the same survey in the year [……………………………..]. From an Australian [……………………………..], it's very positive because more and more students are [……………………………..]choosing Australia rather than it being a second choice. The UK and American parts of the survey show that they are no longer the preferred [……………………………..]they were, despite still being seen as offering the best education in the world. Australian universities have done a really good job of [……………………………..]Australia as well as their own universities. Australia is seen as good value for money and is attracting the more price- [……………………………..]students. Australia’s overseas student [……………………………..]have doubled since the year 2000 to 200000 in 2006 at a time when they have declined in the US and the UK’s share of the global market is declining. Reflecting this increase, Australia’s education exports rose [……………………………..]last year and were valued at more than [……………………………..]for the first nine months of 2006. In the United States, a [……………………………..]on foreign students following the terrorist attacks on September 11 has made many Asian students feel unwelcome. As a result, [……………………………..]to American universities have declined. This could happen in the UK. If students find it hard to get visas they could question whether the country really wanted them. Another factor in Australia’s growing [……………………………..]was the wish of some members of the growing Asian [……………………………..]class to settle in the country after studying there. The cost of study and value for money also [……………………………..]highly on the list of reasons students gave for choosing Australia as a study [……………………………..]: much higher than in Britain. 34% said they selected Australia because they thought living [……………………………..]were relatively less expensive and [……………………………..] made their decision because tuition fees were cheaper. Quality remained the biggest draw-card for students wanting to study in Australia, [……………………………..]the critical importance of its [……………………………..]overseas, according to new research. Asian students still [……………………………..]the US and Britain as having the highest quality universities but Australia rated third, but ahead of other [……………………………..]like Canada, New Zealand and Germany. Despite the emergence of trans-national education programmes. [……………………………..] of students did not consider [……………………………..]a foreign degree in their home country. It seems that the concern that these programmes are going to [……………………………..]the number of foreign students is a bit [……………………………..]. Only 4% of those [……………………………..]in Australia had studied overseas before, a [……………………………..]we attribute to an emerging middle class of Asian students wanting to study [……………………………..]. In the past, many Asian students had come from their home country’s elite, [……………………………..]families whose parents had studied abroad. What we've got now is an [……………………………..]middle class who maybe haven’t travelled before and whose parents were not [……………………………..]overseas. Our study also shows that students rely more on education [……………………………..]than in the past with [……………………………..]for universities that plug direct enrolments online. Whilst our findings are good for Australia, which is increasing in popularity as a study [……………………………..], they do not mean that Australia can rest on its laurels as competition is increasing from a growing number of [……………………………..]and study destinations. Practice every day to improve your IELTS listening skills. Don’t forget to visit IELTS Material website on a daily basis to find more practice tests for every skill in the IELTS Test. |
IELTS Cue Card Sample 70 – Topic: Describe an Interesting Thing You Did Posted: 03 Nov 2016 11:02 PM PDT IELTS Cue Card Topic:Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently (in your free time) You should say
Band 8.0+ Sample AnswerIn all seriousness, between school and the office where I am working as an intern, I barely have time for entertainment. Though, when I do, I take it seriously. Once or twice, I managed to get out of the city and indulged myself in secluded areas where Internet service and its distracting minions like social media and advertising emails ceased to exist. My latest sweet escape was my trip to Binh Ba island last summer. Binh Ba was one of the four deserted, yet beautiful islands located in Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam due to little exposure to tourism. This, however, would change drastically within the next few years since Binh Ba had been drawing lots of attention thanks to positive feedbacks from those who had wandered there. I went to Binh Ba alone just to take a break from the fast-paced city life and to have time to contemplate myself, which I rarely did with people around. It had been an intriguing 2-day journey full of surprises. That was the first time I traveled alone, first time riding on a speedboat, first time scuba diving and first time having dinner with a life jacket on my back and crystal clear water as my dining room. Additionally, seafood here was a bomb which came in different kinds and varieties. People I met during my stay at a villager's house were ultra-friendly and helpful, both locals and visitors whom shared their stories as though you were their long-lost friend stopping by to catch up. And there was nothing better than enjoying great company over a nice meal and bonfire. Binh Ba left an unforgettable impression on me where I learnt to appreciate precious moments with those I cared about and be grateful for whatever life had to offer. Life is tough but it would be lifeless without it toughness. Vocabulary & Useful Expression
In all seriousness, I don’t take it well when people give rude comments without a sound reason.
Ex: Jim barely knows anyone when first moving to the new city.
Ex: Those talented artists never ceased to amaze the world with their masterpieces.
Ex: Nowadays, people are taking environmental issue more and more seriously.
Ex: Alex managed to close the deal with XYZ company after several times of rejection.
Ex: She got herself indulged in some serious unhealthy diet after her latest breakup.
Ex: That secluded island is suitable for those who need to get away from busy life in big city.
Ex: Local tribes in those mountainous area have little exposure to civilization.
Ex: The weather has changed drastically within the last few years.
Ex: Ally’s amazing transformation has finally drawn Tim’s attention, whom she always has had a huge crush on since forever.
Ex: I usually receive constructive feedback from my boss about how to improve my work or productivity, which I find very appreciative.
Ex: He took a break after 4 consecutive hours working on the project.
Ex: Everyone should have sometime to contemplate and reflect themselves once in a while to truly understand who they are as a person.
Ex: She is my long-lost cousin whom I haven’t seen for ages.
Ex: Nick was a great company when we met during my trip to Sapa last year.
Ex: She left an unforgettable impression on me at the party last night. |
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