Saturday, September 17, 2016

IELTS Materials and Resources, Get IELTS Tips, Tricks & Practice Test

IELTS Materials and Resources, Get IELTS Tips, Tricks & Practice Test

Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic (In December, 2015) & Band 9.0 Model Essay

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 08:47 AM PDT

IELTS Writing Actual Test in December, 2015 & Band 9 Argumentative Essay – Topic: 

People should follow the customs and traditions when people start to live in a new country. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?

Band 9.0 sample

Many people argue that foreigners should adapt to the local customs and traditions when they come to reside in a new country. I completely agree with this view. Newcomers will certainly face difficulties if they do not conform to the norms of social behaviour in the host country. Firstly, it will become almost impossible for them to blend into their new environment. For example, an entrepreneur who comes to live in a new country and starts up a business must be aware of the business practices of that country. There are bound to be many pitfalls, not only legal ones but also simply in terms of winning and keeping customers. Secondly, recent immigrants might fall foul of the law if they do not respect the behaviour and customs of locals. In Singapore, for instance, residents will consider newcomers dirty and ill-mannered if they litter the street or spit gum in public places.

There are also many benefits for foreigners when they do adopt the customs and traditions of their new country of residence. One advantage is that local people will be more welcoming when they feel that the newcomers are showing respect for the local way of life. The establishment of closer links with the host community might lead to greater integration and mutual understanding. Another benefit is the richness of the experience which newcomers will gain from enjoying aspects of local customs and traditions, enabling them to participate in community life and avoid social isolation. During festivals and national holidays, especially, they will feel like they 'belong' in their new country.

In conclusion, I would argue that it is essential for new residents to follow the traditions and habits of locals in the host community in order to integrate fully into society.

(293 words)

Use words/phrases:

the norm of social behaviour: standards of behaviour that are typical of and accepted within society.

Ex: The norm of social behaviour in Muslim coutries includes not drinking alcohol in public places

hot country: a country which receives visitor or new residents

Ex: Refugees who escape from war zones often face difficulties in a new host country.

pitfalls : a hidden danger or difficulty, which it is not easy or possible to see at first.

Ex: When you buy a car, go with a mechanic to avoid any pitfalls which will cause problems later.

fall foul of the law : to get into trouble with the police because you are doing something illegal.

Ex: In most countries, if you drink and drive, you will fall foul of the law.



Grammar For IELTS – “A Number Of” Versus “The Number Of”

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 05:45 AM PDT

In the IELTS Writing Tets, especially, in IETLS Writing Task 1, the most common collocation that is used to describe the quantity of something is “A number of” and “The number of”, such as “The number of students who applied to UK universities” or “A number of cars that were sold in Africa”. However, Is there any difference between two collocations ? This post will help you identify and know how to use them correctly. 

The phrases “a number of” and “the number of” have different subject-verb agreement rules:

  • The quantity phrase a number of always takes the plural form of the verb.

  A number of consulting firm addresses were left to me by my old boss.

  A number of children are going to participate the test.

  • The number of  takes the singular verb ending.

The number of consulting firm addresses in the directory is extremely short.

 The number of children going to school increases significantly from 2003 to 2010.

  • A number of literally means “quite a few” or “many," while the number of refers to the actual number or quantity of items, so a number of is plural and the number of is singular.

Hope this post could help you increase your writing also speaking skills in the IELTS Test. Don’t forget to check out our website ( to find more tips about the IELTS Test.

IELTS Listening Practice 43

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 03:00 AM PDT


Questions 1-5

Complete the notes below.


Ratner Athletics Centre

Example: Current students get membership for ___no charge/ free______

  • a yearly membership costs 1……………………… for alumni
  • Features offered include:

                               the Emily Pankhurst 2………………………….

                               the Dalton 3…………………………….

                               personal 4……………………… at an extra charge

  • Hours: 6 am. to 5 …………………………… on weekdays and 6 am to 9 p.m. on weekends

Questions 6-10

Complete the form below.



  • Customer name: Shannon 6…………………
  • Street Address: 7…………………………………
  • City: Newcastle
  • Postcode: 8………………………………………
  • Telephone number 9………………………….
  • Payment method cash
  • Proof of address: 10……………………………


Questions 11 – 20

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Orientation Meeting for students studying abroad in South America

Remember to sign the attendance lists on the way out!

To get a student visa you must make a folder of health information including:

  • vaccination 11………………………………………………..
  • proof you don't have a serious 12 ……………………..

Have a consultation with a doctor specialised in 13………………………… information on:

  • what vaccines you will need to get
  • 14 ………………………….for malaria
  • what to expect if you have any existing 15……………………………………………

Health issues in South America

Malaria is a concern for most people going to South America.

  • In each country, it is 16………………………………………in some areas but not others.
  • You must 17……………………………………..and not travel to high-risk areas if you arc not protected.

To prevent insect bites:

  • wear long-sleeved shirts and 18…………………………..
  • use insect repellent on 19……………………….. and flying-insect spray in rooms
  • stay indoors in the peak biting periods of 20………………………… and………………………….


Questions 21 – 23

Which opinion does each person express about filling out the evaluation forms?

Choose your answer from the box and write the letters A – F next to questions 21 – 23.

A. They encourage students to work hard.

B. Important changes have been made because of the forms.

C. We could be judged because of what we write.

D. It is alright to say that you don't have an opinion.

E. Probably no one reads them anyway.

F. They are required; if we don't do them we will get bad marks.

Joshua            21………….

Ethan              22…………

Lily                   23…………

Questions 24 – 30

Complete the table below.


Opinions about project: Lily Joshua Ethan
Initial Suggested Rating  24………………… 25…………………….. 26…………………………
Good Points nothing specific 27……………………… choice between
Bad Points  no practical point/ choices were both 29………………… should have given us
no opinion


Questions 31 – 40

Complete the flow-chart below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Product Life Cycle

Marketing Aims by Stage

Stage 1: Market Introduction

Features:                                                                                      Marketing Strategy:

  • Cost 31………………………………                                                              Step. 1
  • Sales volume 32………………….                                                              Get the brand noticed by the 33……………………………

                                                                                                                                          Step 2

                                                                                                                                          Encourage potential customers to 34…………………….
Stage 2: Growth

Features:                                                                                      Marketing Strategy:

– Economies 35………. lead to reduced costs and rise in sales.            Step 1

                                                                                                                                           Find a way to 36…………………. return customers.

                                                                                                                                           Step 2

                                                                                                                                           Differentiate the 37………………. from rival products.

Stage 3: Maturity

Features:                                                                                       Marketing Strategy:

Sales will 38………………………………..                                                               Step 1

 Competition will be 39………….                                                                 Continue to point out the differences between your product and rival brands

                                                                                                                                            Step 2

                                                                                                                                  Find new 40………………….. for the product

Answer key:

  1. £240
  2. Fitness centre
  3. Swimming pool
  4. Trainers
  5. Midnight/24.00
  6. Fleet
  7. 24 Whitehall Close
  8. NEO 1EN
  9. 9765 484 493
  10. Electricity bill
  11. Records
  12. Contagious disease
  13. Travel medicine
  14. Medication
  15. Health issues
  16. Present
  17. Keep informed
  18. Long trousers
  19. Bare skin
  20. Dusk / dawn
  21. D
  22. E
  23. B
  24. 4
  25. 5
  26. 5
  27. Well thought out
  28. Two topics
  29. Boring
  30. More time
  31. Very high
  32. Low
  33. Target market
  34. Try the product
  35. Of scale
  36. Reward
  37. Brand
  38. Peak
  39. Intense
  40. applications


The texts below are transcript for your IELTS Listening Practice Test. To make the most out of this transcript, we removed some words from the texts and replaced with spaces. You has to fill each space with the missing word by listening to the audio for this IELTS listening practice test. 

Section 1

S = Former student, Shannon Fleet E = Employee

E: Hello, Ratner Athletics Centre; how can I help you?

S: Yes, hi. I’m interested in finding out some information about […………………………….].

E: Certainly. Are you a student?

S: No. Is that a problem? I was a student here two years ago

E: Aright, that’s no problem Current students Ret membership for no charge, but […………………………….]memberships are also available for […………………………….]for university faculty, staff, alumni, and […………………………….], as well as their […………………………….]and children.

S: Ok, good How much does it cost?

E: For an alumnus, that’s two hundred and […………………………….]annually, or one hundred pounds for a month.

S: Oh. That’s quite expensive. It’s a shame I didn’t take […………………………….]of the athletics facility when I was a student here. I’ll have to think about this.

E: Well, we do offer a really excellent […………………………….]. For the cost, members have access to the Emily Pankhurst Fitness Centre, which is a beautiful exercise space – open and full of light. The fitness centre includes two weight […………………………….], free weights, rowing machines, […………………………….]trainers, recumbent and […………………………….]bicycles, step mills, and […………………………….][exercise machines] – and many many other activities. But the most […………………………….], and I’d have to say popular, feature of the Ratner Centre is the Dalton swimming pool. It’s […………………………….]by 25 metres and includes up to 20 lanes in the […………………………….]dimension and nine lanes in the 50-metre dimension, and also has two one metre diving boards […………………………….]. What activities, specifically, are you interested in?

S: Yes, well, I’m interested in swimming, and also in getting started with some weight training, although I’ve never tried it before in my life. I feel rather […………………………….], actually. Is there instruction available?

You know, someone to teach me to use the machines and maybe help me […………………………….]a training programme to reach my goals?

E: Yes, we have personal trainers available for an additional cost. We also offer […………………………….]evaluation, which by the way I highly […………………………….]for someone just starting out with weight training, and you would be […………………………….]to the machines as part of this.

S: Oh, one more thing. What are the opening hours?

E: We’re open from six in the morning to […………………………….]on weekdays and from six in the morning to nine pm on weekends.

S: Oh, that’s good. Alright, well, I guess I’d like to join.

E          Very well. Can I have your name please?

S:         That’s Shannon Fleet S-H-A-N-N-O-N F-L-E-E-T.

E          Ok, and your address?

S:         […………………………….]Whitehall Close, Newcastle

E          Sorry, can you please spell the street name for me?

S:         Yes, of course. That’s W-H-l-T-E-H-A-L-L C-L-O-S-E.

E          Got it. And your post code?

S:         N-E zero, one – E – N.

E          N as in night and E as in England?

S:         Yes, that’s correct

E          I’ll need a phone number.

S:         Ok. it’s […………………………….]E       That’s 9-7-6 5 4-8-4 94-3.

S:         No, sorry. The last three numbers are 4-9-3, not 94-3.

E          Ok. Now, you’ll need to pay when you come for the first time, and you can either pay by cash or […………………………….]

S:         I’ll pay cash.

E          Fine. And be sure to bring some sort of proof of address, like a bill or […………………………….][…………………………….].

S:         I dont drive. Will my electricity bill do?

E          Yes, that’s fine. And also bring a […………………………….]-sized photo so we can make up your membership card.

S:         Ok, thanks. I’ll come by this afternoon.


Hello there; good afternoon. Thank you for finding the time in your busy […………………………….]to come to the […………………………….]student office’s first ori¬entation meeting for students going abroad, to South America next […………………………….]. By the way, if you haven’t already signed next to your name on our […………………………….]lists – they’re located on the table at the […………………………….]of the […………………………….]– be sure to do it on your way out. Remember, this orientation meeting is […………………………….], so you need to make sure we know that you’re here.

Alright, to begin, we’re going to be talking about health, and […………………………….]the procedures that you have to go through in order to get your student visas for your host country. For all of you, this will […………………………….]gathering a folder of health […………………………….]such as vaccination records and proof from your doctors that you’re not suffering from any serious […………………………….]diseases. For many of you, this will also entail getting some extra […………………………….], depending on your […………………………….]country. All the specifics that each of you will need are to be found in your host country […………………………….]that you received when you were accepted into the programme.

Also each one of you is required to attend a […………………………….]with a doctor at the student health centre who is specialised in travel medicine. The health centre can give you details about […………………………….]times, but be sure to book your appointment early, because the spe¬cialist is only at the heath centre at certain times; to have the most benefit, you should have your meeting at least […………………………….]before your trip, to allow time for your […………………………….]to take effect. Now, at this con¬sultation, you will be given all the latest information about what vac¬cines you’ll need and any other health considerations you need to be aware of – if you’ll need to take medication for […………………………….], for example – or what to expect in case of any existing health issues.

Now, I want to talk in a bit more detail about some important health […………………………….]that many of you will face. First of all I want to say a few things about Malaria, which will apply to most of you with South American destinations. In most South American countries, […………………………….]is present in some areas, but not in others. In Brazil, for example, the Amazon basin is a high-risk area, while the […………………………….]cities, such as Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, have a very low risk of malaria. So, if you will be studying in Sao Paulo, you will not need to take medication for malaria. However, if you are studying in Sao Paulo and doing […………………………….]somewhere in the Amazon basin, then you will need medication. […………………………….], if you plan to travel into rural regions, then you will need medication. You should be […………………………….]about what your plans are, and if you decide not to take malaria medication, keep informed and don’t […………………………….]to a high-risk area. We’ve had two instances of students returning with malaria in the last […………………………….], and both cases had to do with […………………………….]travel after their studies to areas with a high risk of malaria

Of course, there are quite a few other insect-born […………………………….]that can be caught, so it’s essential to avoid being bitten as much as possible, even if you are taking malaria medication. To prevent […………………………….]bites, you should wear long-sJeeved shirts and long trousers whenever […………………………….], and use an insect repellent on any bare skin. You should also bring a flying-insect spray to help clear rooms of […………………………….]. The product should contain a pyrethroid […………………………….]. Bed nets treated with permethrin, if you will not be sleeping in an air-con¬ditioned or […………………………….]room, are also a very good idea. Although it’s not always possible, it’s best to remain indoors in a screened or air-conditioned area during the peak biting periods of dusk and […………………………….].

Finally, in much of South America, there is a risk of Schistosomiasis – a rather […………………………….]parasitic infection that can be […………………………….]in fresh water. So do not swim in fresh water, except in well- […………………………….]swimming pools. Any questions so far?


E = Ethan L = Lily J = Joshua

L Joshua! Ethan! Wait; don’t leave yet. We have to fill in an […………………………….] form to hand in with our final project.

E: Not another one! We’ve done one of these forms after each […………………………….]all term! It’s a bit of a waste of time, if you ask me.

L They just want to give us a […………………………….]to have our say about the project.

E: But I haven’t much of an […………………………….]about it either way. It’s just a project.

J: Yeah, but if you did?

E: Then it wouldn’t be a waste of time I […………………………….]; what’s your point?

J: Just say you have no opinion; what’s the problem with that?

E: You’re right; I’ll do that. And it’ll be easier than making something up! But even if we had […………………………….]and wrote them down, do you think anyone reads them? I rather doubt it

L Of course they do! Remember in the first term, when there were some problems with people in some […………………………….]not doing their fair share of the work? There were lots of […………………………….]about this on the evaluation forms, and so Dr. Smith came and talked to us about it, and decided to add the […………………………….]evaluation forms so we could each […………………………….]our other group members’ effort. That was a really important […………………………….].

J: See, Ethan, without the evaluation forms, we wouldn’t have the opportunity to report what a […………………………….]you are!

E Come on! I’ve done as much work as anyone!

L Yeah, it’s easy to joke around because we’re a good team. My last team wasn’t so good though, and I was really […………………………….]for those forms.

E; Ok – let’s get it done so we can go.

L Okay, first we have to rate the project from one to five, and com¬ment on any good or bad points.

J: We do this part together?

L Yeah. What do you think? Four?

E Yeah, why not?

J: Um_. Why four and not five? I don’t really think there was much wrong with it. It was a good project. The tasks were well thought out. Not like the last one where one of the tasks was […………………………….]because there was no research on the subject.

L I agree with you, Josh. There weren’t […………………………….]any problems with the project. It’s just that I like projects to have a sort of […………………………….]point, you know, we should see some sort of reason for doing it. Other than the grade, of course. If it had some sort of real- world […………………………….], it would have been […………………………….]What do you think Ethan?

E I don’t know. Why don’t we give it a […………………………….]?

L That’s a good idea. Can we do that?

J: I don’t see why not. And I agree. Four point five.

L So what about good points? Josh said it’s well thought out anything else?

E I liked having a choice between two topics. I mean, some […………………………….]just don’t interest some people.

L Yes, you’re right. Unfortunately, I thought they were both bor¬ing! I’m sounding a bit […………………………….], aren’t I? I cant think of any […………………………….]good points.

E That’s alright. Let’s move on to the bad points.

L You’re eager to go, aren’t you?

E Yeah. I’m going […………………………….]tomorrow and I have to pack! But back to the topic. I haven’t got an opinion about bad points; Lily’s already said her share, what about you Joshua? Any […………………………….]?

J: No, I think it was a good project. Um„ If I had to say something I guess it would be the time […………………………….]. I think they should have given us more time to do this final project since it was a larger part of our grade. But I don’t think that’s a big deal.

L Ok. I think we’re done. We just have to do the individual evaluation forms and that’s it.


Lecturer: Today we’re going to look at marketing over the life¬time of a […………………………….]and how the different […………………………….]in the product life cycle impact on the kinds of marketing […………………………….]we make and influence the marketing […………………………….]we employ.

Of course, the […………………………….]in the product life cycle is known as the Market Introduction Stage. At this point, costs are very high indeed, and, since the product is fresh to the market, sales […………………………….]can be low to start as the product has vet to take off. What the marketing […………………………….]must do therefore is get as much […………………………….]as possible for the product and begin to develop brand […………………………….]and loyalty. Think of the process as little steps. The first step is to get the […………………………….]noticed by your target market. This will require […………………………….]advertising using mediums which are ftely to […………………………….]the product to, and, just as importantly, appeal to the target […………………………….]. The next step would be to […………………………….]the target market to try the product. Promotions, free trials and other special offers all play a role in […………………………….]new customers over to your brand.

Don’t expect to make money during the Market Introduction Stage. The focus should be solely on creating brand awareness.

Then we move into the Growth phase. Now here costs will reduce […………………………….]as sales rise and economies of scale in production begin to kick in. Public awareness of the product has increased and the focus of the marketing […………………………….]will now switch more from creating awareness to generating customer […………………………….]and brand recognition. The first step for the marketing […………………………….]is to find a way to reward return customers for their loyalty – in other words, provide them with an […………………………….]to continue coming back.

During the growth phase, several new competitors are likely to emerge as […………………………….]threats to the business. The next step for the marketing team, then, is to differentiate their brand from the […………………………….]on the market. Unless customers see your product as […………………………….]from the competitors’, they really have no reason to remain loyal to it; therefore, this brand differentiation that I have just spoken of is […………………………….].

So, you’ve grown your business, now it’s time to sit back and reap the […………………………….]. We’re into the Maturity Stage. During this period, sales will peak as the […………………………….]point is reached.

Competition will be […………………………….], however, the work you have done on developing brand […………………………….]and differentiating your product from that of […………………………….]will really pay off now. The marketing depart¬ment must continue to differentiate the brand from competitors’, and, if possible, diversify the product features; that is, find new […………………………….]for the product in order to open up […………………………….]new markets and prolong the Maturity Stage.

The final stage in the product life cycle is Saturation and Decline. Some would argue that reaching this stage is a natural […………………………….]for every product. However, there is a growing belief that, should the marketing department do its job […………………………….], the product should […………………………….]and never really fall into decline. We’ll […………………………….]this debate a little more closely next time.

Practice every day to improve your IELTS listening skills. Don’t forget to visit IELTS Material website on a daily basis to find more practice tests for every skill in the IELTS Test.


Valid – Word Of The Day For IELTS

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 01:50 AM PDT

Valid – Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking And Writing

Valid: (Adjective)/ˈvalɪd/


Be legally or officially acceptable.


Legitimate, Credible, Official


With noun: valid ticket/ name/ passport/ signature/ vote/ reason/ argument/ claim/ excuse/ criticism/ comparison/ conclusion.
With adverb: equally/ only/ perfectly/ statistically/ still valid


For IELTS Speaking:.
“Your return ticket is valid for three months”
“If you do not already hold a valid passport, application forms may be obtained from the Post Office.”

For IELTS Writing:
“Perhaps women choose this style because it fits with their own, perfectly valid interactional or social goals.”


Choose the following words to fill in the blank: valid, rely, excluded, located, deduce, specific, initially, philosophical, convened, component.

  1. In the future, we will have to __________ more on alternate energy sources.
  2. The world’s first female prime minister __________ came to power in Ceylon in 1960.
  3. By studying the handwriting, experts were able to __________ that the author of the ransom note was a left-handed Asian woman.
  4. Representatives of a number of countries __________ last month, and formalised agreements on free trade.
  5. The housing complex is conveniently __________ near a shopping plaza.
  6. We can describe most things in our environment at a variety of levels of abstraction, from very broad and general categories, to very narrow and __________ terms.
  7. The holiday message from the school principal __________ all references to religion.
  8. Research suggests that there is a strong, subjective __________ to the perception of beauty.
  9. My grandfather is very __________ about his illness; he certainly doesn’t want to die, but he says he has lived a long life, and isn’t afraid to go.
  10. My parking pass is only __________ for another week.

Answer key
1. rely
2. initially
3. deduce
4. convened
5. located
6. specific
7. exclude
8. component
9. philosophical

Check out Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking & Writing on IELTS Material website to improve your vocabulary for IELTS and get a high score in IELTS.

IELTS Cue Card Sample 38 – Topic: A Time You Looked At The Sky

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 01:39 AM PDT

IELTS Cue Card for IELTS Speaking Part 2:

Describe a (recent) time when you looked at the sky (either day or night)
You should say:
what you were doing
when you looked at the sky
who you were with
what you saw
and explain how you felt when you looked at the sky.


Last week, my friends and I decided to go camping on the outskirts for the weekend.

Living in a big city doesn‟t offer me much of a chance to enjoy the sky at night because of the pollution, the lights, and the skyscrapers. That‟s the reason why I liked this short trip so much because I could enjoy looking up at the clear sky, searching for stars and observing the moon.

Luckily for me, there was a full moon that night. We made a small campfire and sat around the fire, grilled potatoes and marshmallows, happily chatting with each other.

When the moon had risen high up in the sky, we all looked up, and started counting stars. I had never seen so many stars in the sky as I did that night. They twinkled while the moon shone brightly. At that moment, I felt at peace. My mind was blank; I wasn‟t thinking of anything else, all my sadness and disappointments disappeared. All I thought of was that I was content in that moment.

outskirts: the part of town that is far away from the center. Example: We lived on the outskirts of town for about 10 years and then finally moved closer to the center last year.
offer: in this context to offer you something means to make it available to you. Example: Living in the city offers many exciting activities like going to the theater, attending concerts and lots of different types of restaurants.
pollution: harmful substances in the air or water. Example: The air pollution in the city is getting worse every year.
skyscrapers: tall buildings that can be used for offices or residential units. Example: New York City has many tall skyscrapers.
clear sky: a sky that is clear of any pollution or other things (like clouds) that make it hard to see the stars and the moon. Example: Tonight, when I looked up at the clear sky, I saw millions of stars.
observing: watching, looking at, seeing. Example: The scientist will be observing the monkeys this afternoon.
full moon: The phase of the moon at which the moon, as viewed from Earth, appears to be fully illuminated by the sun. The full phase marks the half-way point of a single revolution of the moon around the earth. Example: Did you see the full moon last night?
campfire: a fire that is made while camping and around which you sit to cook food, roast marshmallows and talk.
Example: My son is always in charge of making the campfire.
grilled/to grill: a way of cooking something on a grill over a fire. Example: We grilled some hamburgers and hot dogs last night for dinner.
marshmallow: A light, spongy, very sweet confection made of corn syrup, gelatin, sugar, and often vanilla. Example: Kids love to roast marshmallows while camping.
chatting: talking. Example: They have been chatting for over two hours already.
to twinkle: to shine and sparkle, flicker, glimmer – what stars do. Stars twinkle. Example: The stars twinkled in the clear night sky.
to feel at peace: to be peaceful or feel peaceful, without any worries or concerns. Example: He felt at peace when he was meditating.
mind was blank: to have nothing in your mind, to not be thinking about anything at all. Example: After staying up all night studying, my mind was blank during class.
disappointment: frustration, something that you feel disappointed or dissatisfied about. Example: His grandmother has suffered many disappointments throughout her lifetime, but now she is living the good life

Public Enemy Number One – Idiom Of The Day For IELTS

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 12:55 AM PDT

Public Enemy Number One – Idiom Of The Day For IELTS Speaking.


Something or someone that a lot of people dislike or disapprove of.


“Smoking has become public enemy number one since the introduction of the smoking ban.”

“Littering is the public enemy number one in Singapore.”

“America’s public enemy number one in the United States is drug abuse.”


  1. Choose the suitable idiom to complete the sentence below.
    “In many countries, the political corruption is always a ____________________.”
    A. self-made man.
    B. bread and butter.
    C. public enemy number one.
    D. down and outs .
  2. Describe the thing that people in your country hate to do. Try to use this idiom in your speech. You should say:
    – What it is
    – How it affect people’s behaviour
    – And why people hate it

IELTS Writing Practice Test 14 With Sample Answer

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 12:30 AM PDT

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic:

Some people say part-time jobs are useful for full-time students because they not only earn money but also gain career experience. Do you agree or disagree ?


Identifying the essay type: Agree or disagree
Structuring the essay:


Taking a part-time job has both advantages and disadvantages (Remember to paraphrase the essay question and state your stand)


Paragraph 1: The first obvious advantage is that work can bring money.

Agreeing : Earning money. Pointing out the first advantages of part-time jobs with practical examples.

e.g. independent

poor families

financial position


Paragraph 2: Moreover, a part-time job can help prepare a person for the real world of work, a step out of the ivory tower.


Agreeing: gaining career experience. Pointing out the second advantage of part-time jobs with practical examples

e.g. employer’s complaint

my own example

Paragraph 3: However, it should be borne in mind that the primary purpose of university study is to concentrate academic work, and a student who also works may be unable to devote himself or herself sufficiently to him or her study.

Disagree: causing negative effects on study. Providing counter-argument with justifications

e.g. insufficient time for study

failing to meet the requirement of universities

terrible consequences for their futures


Therefore, in my opinion, the decision of whether or not to take up a part-time job while studying depends on individual students’ circumstances.

(Restating the introduction and giving recommendations)


It is common nowadays for students at university or college to undertake part-time work either for money or gain some work experience. In my opinion, this has both advantages and disadvantages.

The first obvious advantage is that work can bring in money. In many countries, students are independent from their families, or their parents are not wealthy enough to afford their education. Therefore, a part-time job can greatly contribute to the financial position of a student. It may be an essential factor in permitting study in the first place. For example, in Britain, the tuition fees have increased a lot in recent years, which has kept some of the intelligent but poor students from concentrating on their study as they are often in debt and in severe shortage of financial support. So, if they want to continue their academic pursuit, many students have no choice but to work in addition to their academic duties.

Moreover, a part-time job can help prepare a person for the real world of work, a step out of the ivory tower. Many employers nowadays complain that new workers do not appreciate the needs of business, nor can they apply their theoretical study to practice. But some work experience gained during study can facilitate one to develop one’s career. My own experience is a good case in point. Thanks to my experience of working as a part-time computer programmer, I was easily able to adjust to full-time work responsibilities in an IT company after graduation.

However, it should be borne in mind that the primary purpose of university study is to concentrate on academic work, and a student who also works may be unable to devote themselves sufficiently to their study. Many universities have seen an alarming rate of students failing to meet the requirements of the universities in attendance, performance or assignments or exams. It seems likely that those students who work will have greater difficulty in passing their courses, with terrible consequences for their futures.

Therefore, in my opinion, the decision of whether or not to take up a part-time job while studying depends on individual students' circumstances – it may be beneficial or financially necessary, but it should never be at the cost of underachieving in academic work.

Useful vocabulary

  • Afford their education
  • The financial position
  • An alarming rate
  • At the cost of underachieving

Hope you can find this post intriguing. Try to practice writing every day to improve your writing skills. You can find more tips and lessons about the IELTS test on Don’t forget “Practice makes perfect”.

IELTS Practice Test Plus 2 (PDF With Audio & Answer Key)

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 12:13 AM PDT

Practice Tests Plus 2 book is written by Morgan Terry and Judith Wilson, providing extensive practice in all 4 modules of the IELTS exam (Academic version).

Practice IELTS tests plus 2 helps you work out all four modules of the IELTS exam: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. The book is suitable for both students and IELTS teachers who want to improve their English skills with exercises that have been carefully produced to reflect the level of difficulty of the exam. All major exam task types are covered, and a variety of reading texts cover the range of text types found in the exam. Throughout the tests, exam-skill tips provide guidance on how to approach each different task type.

IELTS Practice Tests Plus 2 provides skimming and scanning skills in Reading and useful vocabulary  in the IELTS exam from which can achieve high results in four IELTS components.

The main content of Practice IELTS tests plus 2:

  • 6 complete practical exercises combined with modifications in 2005 in modules Writing
  • Full description exams
  • Offering training strategy for each module
  • Evaluate your articles and academic vocabulary
  • Caption answers, analyse the answers correct and incorrect
  • Pose questions for written example
  • Audio scripts complete, the answers are marked


Ebook IELTS Practice Tests Plus 2: Download

Audio IELTS Practice Tests Plus 2: Download

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