Tuesday, September 20, 2016

IELTS Materials and Resources, Get IELTS Tips, Tricks & Practice Test

IELTS Materials and Resources, Get IELTS Tips, Tricks & Practice Test

IELTS Listening Practice Test 46

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 08:00 AM PDT


Questions 1-3

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

1. How many bottles of wine do you have to buy to get one free?

A. one

B. three

C. four

2. Which type of wine do David's friends prefer?

A. French

B. Italian

C. Spanish

3. What is the price of the champagne?

A £20

B £35

C £25

Questions 4-10

Answer the questions below.


Belluci's Restaurant

Sam's suggestions

Would go best with the Lasagna:



Other side dishes that Sam mentions:

6 ………………………… with …………………………………..

7 ………………………… with …………………………………..


Booking made on: 5th August

Date when customers will be at the restaurant: 8………………………………..

Time: 7. 00 pm

Number of people: 9…………………………………..

Email address: 10 ………………………..@……………………………com

Customer phone number 01445 333 6451                 Customer willing to have emails sent to them: Yes


Questions 11 – 12

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

11. How did the players hit the ball when 12 In the 16th centufy what kind of people the game first launched in the 12th century?

A. with a bat

B. with a racquet

C. with their bare hand

12. In the 16 century what kind of people found tennis most appealing ?

A. royal families

B. wealthy merchants

C. everyday people

Questions 13 – 20

Complete the table below.


Tennis Player Year Born Nationality Number of Major Titles Won Interesting Fact
Bjom Borg 13…………………….. Swedish 14 ………………….. the French Open in 15…………………. more than once the youngest ever male
Boris Becker 1967 German 16……………………. Grand Slam singles champion at 17……………… months.
Pete Sampras 1971 American 18……………………. He started hitting tennis balls at the age of 3
Andre Agassi 19……………………….. American Eight His first 20…………………. was in La Quinta


Questions 21 – 27

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

College Conference 2009

Professor Hannan – good at running 21……………………………………

Mr Steve Bishop – 22…………………………… among many Universities in England.

Sandra Bolton will give some Drama


Mr Max Wallington will give a lecture about Shakespeare.

Sean O’Brien has done a lot of work in the field of 24………………………………………

Geoff O'Hara has a lot of knowledge about Albert Einstein.

Administration and Organisation

Invitations to all speakers have to be typed on the school's headed paper.

The photographer will take pictures for the school 25…………………………………..

The caterers are called 26………………………….

The conference will be in the main college hall and rooms 10,11, 12 and 13.

The date of the next meeting will be on 27………………………………………..




Questions 28 – 30

Choose THREE letters, A – G.

What THREE rules, given to them by the headmaster, do the students have to follow during the conference?




A. Make sure they tidy up the hall and rooms after the conference.

B. Provide cleaners for the conference.

C. Provide lunch for the speakers.

D. Make a record of what each student at the conference wants to study at University

E. Make a record of all students who attend the conference.

G. Help organise the travel arrangements for the speakers.


Questions 31 – 40

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

To calculate your Body Mass Index you should first take 31…………………………… in kilograms and divide it by your height in metres.

Healthy Diets

  • It is important to eat starchy foods with fruit and vegetables.
  • There are people who 32…………………………………….. that starchy foods are 'fattening'.
  • Eat a minimum of 33…………………………………. of fruit and vegetables a day.
  • People tend to eat too much 34………………………………….. and you only need a certain amount to keep healthy.
  • People say that 35………………………………………… can help protect against heart disease.

Exercise is good for us because:

1) it strengthens the heart

2) it tones our 36……………………………………..

3) it is good for the mind

  • We do less exercise because we have domestic 37………………………………. to do things for us.
  • Adults should do at least 38………………………………… moderate-intensity physical activity, five days a week.

A physical activity can be:

a) a lifestyle activity
b)a 39……………………………. activity
c) sports

Activities that produce 40……………………………… on the bones are necessary.

Answer key:

  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. Mixed Salad
  5. Greek Salad
  6. Bread (with) herbs
  7. Cheese with peppers
  8. 27th August
  9. 15 (fifteen)
  10. hamill@worthing
  11. C
  12. A
  13. 1956
  14. Eleven
  15. The same year
  16. Six
  17. 17 years 7
  18. Fourteen
  19. 1970
  20. Tournament
  21. Workshops
  22. Well-respected
  23. Seminars
  24. Genetics
  25. Newsletter
  26. Flying fish
  27. Wednesday 6th june
  28. D
  29. F
  30. G
  31. Your weight
  32. (wrongly) think
  33. Five portions
  34. Protein
  35. Oily fish
  36. Muscles
  37. Appliances
  38. 30 minutes
  39. Structured
  40. High physical stresses


The texts below are transcript for your IELTS Listening Practice Test. To make the most out of this transcript, we removed some words from the texts and replaced with spaces. You has to fill each space with the missing word by listening to the audio for this IELTS listening practice test. 


 Sam: Hello. Belluci’s Restaurant, Sam speaking. How may I help you?

David: Hi, my name’s David Marsden, and I’m calling to ask about the offers I saw on the […………………………..]for your restaurant. I am tNnking about […………………………..]a party for a friend’s birthday.

Sam: Yes, Mr Marsden, what information would you like to know?

David: You can call me David

Sam: OK, great So, David, what can I help you with?

David: Well, first of all, I wanted to know if the […………………………..] offer that you have on for certain […………………………..]is valid for week nights as well as on the weekend The party may take place during the week, you see.

Sam: Well, there are many dishes that are 50% off on weekends and only a small number of dishes are 50% off during the week. For exam¬ple, the […………………………..]Bolognaise is 50% off on whatever day you come in during this month, and […………………………..]and steaks are 50% off on our most busy days, which are Saturday and Sunday.

David: Would you be able to do a […………………………..]on the Lasagna if there was a large group of people coming in during the week?

Sam: We can only do a […………………………..], but we can do a 50% discount for large groups on any dessert you have with the Lasagna.

David: Well, that sounds like a […………………………..].

Sam: There are marry other offers that we have on, at the moment, as well.

David: What about drinks? Are there any discounts on drinks?

Sam: Yes, of course. For every […………………………..]of house red or white wine ordered, you will get a bottle free. So that is four bottles of wine for only about […………………………..]. If you order two bottles of champagne you will get half a bottle free of charge as well.

David: That sounds like a really good offer. Which house wine do you […………………………..]? Most restaurants have French house wine and sometimes Spanish but I think most of my friends will want to drink Italian […………………………..]

Sam: We normally serve French as the house wine but we will be able to find a nice Italian one […………………………..], if you prefer.

David: That would be great. What about Champagne? We will proba¬bly order at least two really good […………………………..]. How much would a good bottle cost?

Sam: Well, you are in luck because the Champagne used to cost […………………………..]per bottle but now it’s only £20 per bottle so you’ll save £5.

David: That sounds like a good price based on my […………………………..]. Now, what side dishes are on the menu that could be […………………………..]with the Lasagna?

Sam: Well, we have a range of side dishes, some go better with the Lasagna than others but of course it’s your choice. The chef’s special side dish is a chicken and […………………………..]dish. This may be too heavy to have with Lasagna but we have a selection of salads such as a […………………………..]and a Greek salad. They would be the best option with that main course. Some other side dishes that are popular are […………………………..]bread with herbs and Italian cheese with peppers. David That all sounds very tasty and I’m sure all the people who are coming to the party will like these types of dishes. I might come in during the week to try out some of your food before the party.

Sam: So, would you like to reserve the table then for your party?

David: Yes. I was wondering if you have any […………………………..]free for the […………………………..]?

Sam: I’m afraid we are all booked up on that date but we can […………………………..]a table for you for the week after on the […………………………..]. Is that OK?

Davidt Yes, that will be fine.

Sam: How many people will there be?

David: Fifteen. Can we have the table for 7:00 o’clock on that evening?

Sam: Yes, that can be […………………………..]. Please, can I take your phone number for the booking?

David: Yes, it’s […………………………..]

Sam: OK, that’s great. Can I also take your email address to send you information about the restaurant and update you about offers and evening entertainment?

David: Sure, it’s david.hamill@worthing.com. d a v i d (dot) h a mill@worthing (dot) com

Sam: Great! Well, I think that’s all I need for the moment. We will be in touch closer to the date when you’ll be coming to the […………………………..]. If you want to ask anything or order anything […………………………..]we can cater for most requests.

David: Yes, that would be good as I’m sure I’ll think of something.

Sam: Bye Bye David. Speak soon.


Presenter Good afternoon and welcome to the […………………………..]. Today we have a special programme about the history of […………………………..]in this country and we also have Steve Mackay in the studio, the all-time great British tennis player, to give us the […………………………..]on some interesting facts about the sport and other great tennis players. Steve, […………………………..]tennis is one of the most popular sports […………………………..]on T.V today. Can you tell us about the early days of tennis?

Steve: Well, the […………………………..]form of tennis is known as ‘real tennis’ and eventually became ‘lawn tennis’ which is what we know today. ‘Real tennis’ changed over […………………………..]from an earlier ball game played around the […………………………..]in France. This had some similarities to […………………………..]. People would hit a ball with a bare hand and later with a glove. People say this game was played by monks in […………………………..]. By the 16th century, the glove had become a […………………………..]. ‘Real tennis’ spread in popularity throughout royalty in Europe and was the most popular in the 16th century.

Presenter It’s amazing how the sport has changed then over time and how […………………………..]has helped to advance it with the state-of-the-art tennis racquets that we have today. So, what about the players who will go down in history as the best at this sport? Who do you think will be remembered on the […………………………..]?

Steve: Well, obviously I have many […………………………..]and all tennis players have different styles and will be remembered for different […………………………..]of their game. The first player though that has to be […………………………..]is the great Bjorn Borg. He will go down in history due to the fact that he won 11 Grand Slam singles titles between […………………………..] and […………………………..], five at Wimbledon and six at the French Opea Bom in ’56 in Sweden, Borg became the […………………………..]winner of the Italian Championship just before his […………………………..], and two weeks later he was the youngest winner of the French Championship. Borg is the only player in the open era to have won both Wimbledon and the French Open in the same year more than once.

Another very important tennis player is Boris Becker. He was born in 1967 in Leimen, West Germany, and he is a six-time Grand S|am singles champion. Since he […………………………..]in 1999 from the professional tour, media work and his personal life have kept him in the […………………………..]. An interesting aspect of his career is the fact that he was the youngest ever male Grand Slam singles champion, winning Wimbledon at 17 years. 7 months.

Moving on to our next great player, we have Pete Sampras. He was born on August 12, 1971 in Washington D.C and during his […………………………..]career he won 14 Grand Slam men’s singles titles. His flair for the game was […………………………..]at age 3 when he discovered a tennis rac¬quet in the […………………………..]of his home and spent hours hitting balls against the wall. His parents are of Greek origin. He has given some truly […………………………..]performances on the court over the years.

The final player I will mention is the great Andre Agassi. He was born on April 29. in 1970 in […………………………..], Nevada. During his career he won 4 Australian Open titles, 1 French Open, 1 Wimbledon and 2 US Open which gives a total of eight […………………………..]titles. An interesting aspect of his career was that he turned professional at the age of 16 and his first […………………………..]was in La Quinta. California. He won his first match against John Austin 64, 6-2 but then lost his second match to Mats Wilander 6-1, 6-1. By the end of the year, Agassi was ranked World No. 91.

Presenter: These players really have […………………………..]a great amount in their lives and they will be talked about for years to come, […………………………..]when the Wimbledon Championships come round in […………………………..]. Steve, which one is your […………………………..]favourite?

Steve: I just can’t answer that; they all […………………………..]great memories in the world of tennis and they have all […………………………..]so much to the game Their names will always be […………………………..]on the wall of champions!


Sant So _ Mr Peters has finally agreed that we can organise this year’s college […………………………..], so we need to really go through all the most […………………………..]items in order to establish a general […………………………..]for the conference and how we are going to put it all together.

Kate: Yes, I agree. We cant leave things to the last minute and there are quite a lot of good speakers who have offered their services for this […………………………..]

Dave: It’s important that things go smoothly. Don’t forget that Mr Peters has been against the idea of this conference for the last two years so we need to make it […………………………..]and get at least […………………………..]to attend, so that we can prove this is an event that students can benefit from.

Lucy: The most important thing we need to […………………………..]is the range of speakers who we will invite to the conference. If they are […………………………..]in their different fields then the students will be very keen to come and hear the talks. We don’t have a […………………………..]budget either, so we have to […………………………..]on the fees that the speakers will charge.

Kate: Sam, you mentioned before this meeting that you have had some calls from some interesting […………………………..]speakers. Can you give us the […………………………..]on the rough list that you have at the moment?

Sam: Yes, the main person on my list, who is an […………………………..]in the field of Business Management, is Professor Harman. He would be good at running […………………………..]where students can […………………………..]how to start a business and he likes to include […………………………..], which make the […………………………..]more interesting.

Kate: Yes, I’ve heard of him and people have told me that he is […………………………..]and interesting. He doesn’t like just giving lectures; he likes to get the students involved more in the discussion. We should […………………………..]send him a formal […………………………..]. What about another area of study such as Maths?

Sam: Well, I have done some research on Mr Steve Bishop. I heard about him because my brother went to see him give a lecture at a University in his area. Apparently, he is well-respected among many Universities in England for his […………………………..]in the field of Maths. He’s even done some research with some […………………………..]Mathematicians.

Lucy: My sister studies Maths at University and I think he came to her University, too, to give some extra […………………………..]. He would be a good one to keep on the list I could send the […………………………..]to him if you want, Sam.

Sam: That would be great, thanks. We have speakers now to talk about business and […………………………..]so it would be a good idea to invite someone who is an expert in an Arts subject, like English or Drama. I haven’t actually got any ideas for Arts subjects.

Kate: Well, I’m planning to do Drama at University and I know of a lady who is the head of Drama at a well-known University. Her name is […………………………..]. She would give some Drama […………………………..]where students can discuss […………………………..]of theatre and production in smaller groups. I also know a […………………………..]called Mr Max Wallington. He is a Professor of English Literature and he would come and give a lecture about Shakespeare. I’ll send […………………………..]to Ms Bolton and Mr Wallington then.

Sam: Greati That’s two Arts subjects […………………………..]then. The final main subject area we need to think about is Science. Dave, you want to study […………………………..]at University, don’t you? Do you know of any Professors we can […………………………..]?

Dave: Well, there’s the famous Professor Sean O’Brien. He’s done quite a lot of work in the field of […………………………..]. I’m sure all the […………………………..]scientists will really want to come and hear him speak. As well as this, there’s the ‘mad scientist’, Geoff O’Hara who is very […………………………..]about Albert Einstein and he can come and talk about his famous […………………………..].

Sam- Perfect. Now that we have some speakers in mind to cover the main areas of study we need to think about the […………………………..]and organisation of the conference. To start with, we need to send the […………………………..]out to all the speakers we have agreed on, on school-headed paper. Kate, Lucy and I will take care of that. Dave, would you be able to contact a […………………………..]to come and take pictures for the […………………………..]that will be printed after the conference?

Dave: Yes, I know a good photographer who has come to the col¬lege for some other […………………………..]. I will contact him as his photos were of really good […………………………..].

Sam: Lucy, would you be able to order the food and drinks? Which caterers do you think we should use? We don’t want to spend too much money. We have about […………………………..]to cover food and drink for […………………………..]. We need a selection of finger food and soft drinks.

Lucy. I will contact Flying Fish. They are quite cheap and they will do some […………………………..]for us as we have used them before at the […………………………..]. Don’t worry Sam, I’ll sort all that out.

Sam: Excellent We have covered a lot for today. I will book the main college hall and rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13 this week. I think we need to have about two more meetings before the conference. The next one we’ll schedule for […………………………..]. Can everyone do that or would Thursday 7th June be better?

Kate: The first date you said is fine with me.

Dave: Me too.

Lucy: Yes that’s fine with me as well.

Sam: Last thing to mention before we finish up for today is some things that Mr Peters, our lovely […………………………..], has said. As we said at the beginning, he hasn’t been so […………………………..]about this conference and he has given us some rules we have to stick to during the con¬ference. I've made a photocopy of them for everyone. I think we should just go through them now to get them out of the way.

Lucy: Good idea

Sam: Well, the first thing Mr Peters said is that we have to make a record of all the students who […………………………..]the conference as he wants those […………………………..]after the event to check that the money he gave us to organise it was worth it. He also wants to know which subject each of the students who attended is going to study at […………………………..]to show that we have provided […………………………..]speakers at the conference. He said that he doesn’t mind how many speakers we invite as long as the lectures are […………………………..]. The last requirement was that we help organise the travel arrangements for the speakers. We can discuss the […………………………..]of this in the next meeting.

Kate: That all sounds fairly easy to […………………………..]. Did Mr Peters not say anything about […………………………..]the hall and the rooms after? I would have thought that he would have said something about that

Sam: That wasn’t something on the list I could check with him but the […………………………..]who clean the college on a […………………………..]basis might tidy everything up. They would just have to be paid a bit more. I dont think the conference will produce too much […………………………..]anyway.

Dave: It would be good to get some help with all that anyway.

Sam: Yes. So, that’s everything then. Let’s go for lunch now, I’m […………………………..]. We can speak about the next lot of things at the next meeting.


Professor: I’d like to introduce our […………………………..]today who has come all the way from Manchester. Dr Paul Harold, the Head of Research in Nutrition at Manchester University. He is going to talk to us about ways we can […………………………..]our lifestyle and […………………………..]. This will include watching what we eat and being more careful about our […………………………..]intake as well as taking regular […………………………..]. This is an important […………………………..]issue as many people eat too much […………………………..]and the nation as a whole is fatter than it was one hundred years ago.

Dr Harold: Thank you, James, for your introduction. You are absolutely right; […………………………..]show that the nation is […………………………..]than it used to be and this is due to the long hours that we work and the lack of time we have to […………………………..]healthy meals that are low in fat and […………………………..]. There are some simple steps everyone can take to help improve their general health; maybe lose some weight first; in the long run, it could lower your […………………………..]and blood […………………………..].

The first thing to do in order to check that your weight is healthy is to work out your Body Mass Index or BMI. This is a tool that can help you find out if you are a healthy weight for your height. Obviously the height of a person will […………………………..]what weight they should be. To work out your BMI you should take your weight in […………………………..]and divide it by your height in […………………………..]. Then you divide the results by your height in metres again. The […………………………..]you come up with can be checked on a chart to see if your BMI is too high, too low or about right Even if your BMI is about where it shoidd be it is still important to eat a healthy and […………………………..]diet. A healthy diet involves consuming […………………………..]amounts of all the food groups, including an adequate amount of water. […………………………..]can be obtained from many different foods, so there are a wide variety of healthy diets.

To start with, it is important to eat starchy foods such as bread, […………………………..], potatoes, rice, and […………………………..], together with fruit and vegetables and this should provide the bulk of most meals. Some people wrongly think that […………………………..]are 'fattening1. In fact they contain about half the […………………………..]of the same weight of fat Also, starchy foods often contain a lot of […………………………..]. When you eat starchy foods, you get a feeling of […………………………..]which helps to control […………………………..]. It is also important to eat at least […………………………..], and ideally 7 to 9 portions, of a variety of fruit or vegetables each day. If you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, then your chances of developing […………………………..], a stroke, or bowel cancer are reduced. You also need a certain amoint of protein to keep healthy. However, most people eat more protein than is necessary. You should choose […………………………..]such as chicken or lean meat. There is […………………………..]that eating oily fish helps to protect against heart disease. It is probably the […………………………..]fatty acids’ in the fish oil that help to reduce build-up in the […………………………..]. Aim to eat at least two […………………………..]of fish per week, one of which should be oily.

Obviously what we eat is highly important but it is also […………………………..]to do regular exercise as it strengthens the heart, tones our […………………………..]and is also good for the mind We’re increasingly living in a world where […………………………..]has stopped being a day-to-day part of oir lives. We have […………………………..]appliances to wash and dry for us and cars to get us around and with the […………………………..]in manual labour many of us spend our working day sitting at desks. Adults should do a minimum of […………………………..]moderate-[…………………………..]physical activity, five days a week. You dont have to do the whole 30 minutes in one go. Your […………………………..]could be made up of three ten-minute […………………………..]of activity spread through the day, if you prefer. The activity can be a 'lifestyle activity' such as […………………………..]to the shops or taking the dog out or […………………………..]exercise or sport, or a […………………………..]of these. But it does need to be of at least […………………………..]intensity. For bone health, activities that produce high physical stresses on the […………………………..]are necessary.

Well, I hope you have learned some interesting facts from this talk and that it will help you to change your lifestyles for the better. Thank you for your […………………………..]and I believe that James has some […………………………..]to give you on this subject, James…

Practice every day to improve your IELTS listening skills. Don’t forget to visit IELTS Material website on a daily basis to find more practice tests for every skill in the IELTS Test.



Done To A Turn – Idiom Of The Day For IELTS

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 01:08 AM PDT

Done To A Turn – Idiom Of The Day For IELTS Speaking.


perfectly cooked


“This restaurant is one of the best places for a family dinner. The food is done to a turn.

“The beef was done to a turn.

“These steaks are so flavorful and have been done to a turn.


  1. Choose the suitable idiom to complete the sentence below.
    “The meat is delicious. It is _____________.”
    A. done to a turn.
    B. second-class citizens.
    C. public enemy number one .
    D. the silent majority.
  2. Describe the first time you ate something. Try to use this idiom in your speech. You should say:
    – What it was
    – Where you took it
    – Who you ate with
    And did you like it and why

IELTS On Track – Stephen Slater & Donna Millen (Ebook & Audio With Answer Key)

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 01:02 AM PDT

IELTS On Track is a NEW set of IELTS Test practice material suitable for self-study, IELTS preparation classes and further education training.

IELTS On Track has over 200 pages packed with practice tests and test preparation activities, including two complete interviews for the revised IELTS Speaking Test.

Professor Stephen Slater is a key Cambridge University Press English Language Teaching international author, and along with the team of authors brings to the book extensive international experience in IELTS candidate preparation, test materials writing and IELTS assessment.

This book offers IELTS and English for Academic Purposes practice material for self-study and class use. It includes 2 complete interviews with practice activities for the new IELTS Speaking Test as well as 6 Academic Reading and Writing Tests and 4 IELTS Listening Tests. The book and CDs  also provide test preparation for Speaking and Writing, ‘Fast Track’ strategy sections for each subtest, transcripts of all the recorded material, answers and answer sheet guidance. This latest version has a ‘one-stop’ section called, ‘Quick Guide to a higher IELTS test score’.

Free download here: Download (Ebook & Audio)

IELTS Cue Card Sample 41 – Topic: Describe a polluted place

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 12:59 AM PDT

IELTS Cue Card for IELTS Speaking Part 2:

Describe a polluted place. You should say:
• What the place is
• What type of pollution it is/ are
• Cause and effect of pollution

and explain how can this pollution be controlled.


It is regrettable that Hanoi, where I‟m living, is negatively affected by pollution and the major environmental problems it is facing are water pollution, air pollution and noise pollution.

There are various reasons why this city is badly polluted. Firstly, due to modernization, more and more vehicles such as cars and motorbikes are used. This leads to an increase in exhaust emissions which contaminate the atmosphere, not to mention the rising level of noise pollution. Secondly, factories and industrial zones in the city have discharged a huge amount of untreated waste into rivers, causing death to many fish and other aquatic animals.

In fact, pollution makes people here less healthy, and some even suffer from life-threatening diseases such as lung cancer, skin cancer, and so on. Therefore, the government must deal with this problem right away. Cutting down on vehicle use is the best way to reduce air pollution and noise pollution. We can do this by encouraging people to use public transportation. Besides, those who litter should pay a heavy fine. Finally, I think the best solution is to raise awareness and educate people to protect the environment.

regrettable: [adjective] something that you are sorry about and wish that it had not happened. Example: It is regrettable that only a minority of people are concerned about the environment.
exhaust emissions: [noun phrase] waste gases that come out of a car or other vehicle. Example: The exhaust emissions from big trucks cause serious air pollution in my city.
contaminate: [verb] make a place or thing dirty, by adding a substance that is dangerous or polluting. Example: Every day, more and more vehicles enter the city centre and contaminate the atmosphere with their exhaust emissions.
discharge: [verb] when somebody discharges a gas or liquid, they release it and it goes into the water or the air. Example: The factory was fined for discharging chemicals into the river.
aquatic: [adjective] living in water Example: Rivers which are clean have a lot of aquatic life, such as fish and frogs.
life-threatening: [adjective] likely to kill someone. Example: Aid workers in poor countries often have to deal with difficult, lifethreatening situations.
cutting down on: [phrasal verb] reducing the size, amount or number of something. Example: You will improve your health by cutting down on cigarettes.
awareness: [noun] knowing that something exists and is important. Example: In schools, campaigns about awareness of road safety are essential for young children.

Consent- Word Of The Day For IELTS

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 12:40 AM PDT

Consent- Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking And Writing

Consent: (Noun) /kənˈsɛnt/


Permission to do something


Authorization, Permission, Assent


With adjective: informed/ mutual/ parental/ prior consent
With verb: give/ grant/ inform/ need/ obtain/ refuse/ require/ sign consent


For IELTS Speaking:.
“He took the car without the owner’s consent.”
“A patient can refuse consent for a particular treatment at any time.”

For IELTS Writing:
“Health authorities are advised that introduction of new screening programmes requires ethical research committee consent.”


Choose the following words to fill in the blank: maximise, remove, sufficient, coordinate, framework, demonstrated, volume, instance, consent, physical.

  1. The Red Cross is trying to _______________ relief efforts aimed at aiding the victims of Sunday’s earthquake.
  2. To _______________ profits, I suggest we reduce our unit price in order to sell a greater volume of product.
  3. Please _______________ your shoes when you come into the house.
  4. The curriculum guide provides a _______________ for new teachers to refer to when making lesson plans.
  5. You have to get your parents’ _______________ in order to come on the field trip to the lake.
  6. Recent research has _______________ a clear link between smoking parents and ear infections in children.
  7. A further _______________ of computer problems occurred this morning.
  8. The best way to lose weight is to do regular _______________ activity.
  9. Two hours should be _______________ time to finish the work.
  10. Fresh apples float because 25 percent of their _______________ is air.

Answer key
1. coordinate
2. maximise
3. remove
4. framework
5. consent
6. demonstrated
7. instance
8. physical
9. sufficient

Check out Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking & Writing on IELTS Material website to improve your vocabulary for IELTS and get a high score in IELTS.

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