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- IELTS Cue Card Sample 32 – Topic: Someone in the news you like to meet
- 52 IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics for IELTS Exam (September – December, 2016) & Band 8.0 Sample Answers
- IELTS Writing Practice Test 8 From IELTS Practice Test Plus 03
- Down and outs – Idiom Of The Day For IELTS
- Perceive – Word Of The Day For IELTS
- IELTS Listening Practice Test 37
Posted: 11 Sep 2016 01:04 AM PDT
IELTS Cue Card for IELTS Speaking Part 2:
Describe a person you know whose job is important to society/Describe someone in the news who you would like to meet.
Describe a person you know whose job is important to society
Describe someone in the news who you would like to meet. You should say: who this person is how you know this person what job they do (= he or she does) and explain why you think their job is important or why you think their work contributes to society. You should say: who this person is why they are in the news and explain why you would like to meet this person.
Today, I am going to talk about a person whose job is important to society/ in the news whom I would like to meet. It is Kenny G, the saxophonis
I first listened to his music when I was very small, starting with the well-known piece "Forever in Love". It was so melodious and relaxing that every time I listened to it, I felt like I was on cloud 9. – Recently, Kenny G decided to hold a concert in Vietnam and it quickly became a major news story, covered in all of our media from newspapers to TV, and most radio channels. For people like me, who have been used to listening to his saxophone recordings since we were young, this was a once in a lifetime chance to meet him in person and listen to his music at a live concert, not on a music CD or online playlist.
Maybe to many people, being a musician doesn‟t contribute much to our society. However, I think that any career that we choose to pursue plays an important role in our lives. If a business person is important, so is a musician. Imagine a world without music, it would definitely be so dull and boring. In addition, music also helps us soothe our soul and relax our brain after hard days at work. Although we cannot quantify its benefit, the positive effects that music brings to our lives are undeniably worth valuing.
saxophonist: [noun] a person who plays the saxophone. Example: At the music concert, I thought that the saxophonist and the pianist were particularly good. piece: [noun] here we use „piece‟ to mean a „piece of music‟. We usually use it to refer to classical music or jazz –not modern or rock music. Example: At the concert, Kenny G played two pieces which he had written himself. melodious: [adjective] music which is pleasant to listen to is „melodious‟. Example: The piece was so melodious that I remember it whenever I am feeling relaxed and comfortable. on cloud 9: [expression] extremely happy. Example: When I read that I had passed the exam, I was on cloud 9. hold a concert: [verb phrase] to have a concert – we also use „hold a meeting/hold a competition‟ in the same way. Example: The organisers decided to hold the concert in New York. once in a lifetime: [expression] used to describe something special that is not likely to happen to you again. Example: When my friend invited me to Brazil, I knew that this was a once in a lifetime chance to visit the Amazon rainforest.
live concert: [noun] a concert when people are watching and listening when the event is actually taking place. Example: One thousand people attended the live concert to hear the musicians perform in person.
soothe our soul: [verb phrase] to make us feel relaxed and peaceful. Example: Rock music is loud, but to feel relaxed I prefer to listen to classical music to soothe my soul. quantify: [verb] to express something as an amount or number. Example: The pleasure that we feel when we see or hear something beautiful is impossible to quantify. |
Posted: 11 Sep 2016 01:00 AM PDT
To be well-prepared for the IELTS test for the third quarter in 2016, you can download 52 New Topics for IELTS Speaking Part 2 (September – December 2016) and practice with your IELTS study partners.
Band 8.0+ suggested answers for these 52 topics will be updated daily on IELTS Material website. You can download these topics and model answers (PDF File) to practice at home before sitting the IELTS speaking test.
NEW UPDATED TOPICS (These topics haven’t been appeared in the previous actual IELTS speaking tests and they will be used for these upcoming months (from September to December 2016)
Describe a time you needed to use imagination
You should say: what the situation was; why you needed to use imagination; what the difficulties were; and explain how you felt about it.
I would like to talk about the time I had to get out of my comfort zone to join an Innovation Challenge Contest which made me think out of the box and work flat out to become the runner-up.
This annual contest is open to all undergraduates and post-graduates around the world. Each year this contest draws the attention of more than 30 000 people so it was really competitive and challenging for me. Therefore, when I was awarded the runner-up prize, I was deliriously happy and extraordinarily excited.
The goal of the Challenge was to recognize individuals and organizations that were working on internet-based solutions to promote education and economic empowerment in countries throughout the world. Therefore, it really required creativity and imagination from each team joining the contest. I had to buckle down and brainstorm ideas for the challenge until I came up with the best one to be accepted for 4 consequent rounds.
At the end of the day, my team and I had really gone extra miles to become the runners-up and it was really an unforgettable experience to me. After all, I can take pride in myself for all the thing I achieved with my imagination and creativity.
Get/Step out of the comfort zone: Do things that you wouldn't normally do
Example: If you want something you never had, I should step out of your comfort zone and work flat out to fulfil your dream.
Think out of the box: Think differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective
Work flat out: work very hard
Runner-up: A team/player/competitor finishing in second place
Deliriously happy [collocation] very happy
Extraordinarily excited [collocation] very excited
Empowerment: the giving of an ability, enablement or permission
Example: The government believes strongly in the empowerment of women.
Buckle down: to begin to work seriously at something. Example: If you don’t buckle down to your job, you’ll be fired.
Brainstorm: a good idea; an idea that enters one's head suddenly.
Example: I had a sudden brainstorm and got out of bed to write it down.
Go the extra miles: to do more than one is required to do to reach a goal
Example: My teacher goes the extra mile to help us.
Take pride in: to feel pleased about someone or what they have done
Example: They take pride in their son’s many accomplishments. He takes pride in the fact that he’s never asked his parents for any money.
At the end of the day: in the end
Example: We interviewed many people or the job, but at the end of the day, we don't think any of them could handle it. Describe a time when you are very busy You should say When it was What you had to do during that time How you managed it And explain how you felt about being busy
One such busy time I really remember was the time when I had the deadline to submit my thesis paper which is the ultimate assignment to gain a Master Degree in International Relations.
This thesis paper is of great importance to me because it will decide whether I can get through the master course with flying color or not. I had just 1 month to complete my thesis paper but I had a full-time job which accounted for 8 hours per day so I had hardly few hours left for this graduation paper. I was also a procrastinator who always waits until the last minute to do anything which made me fall behind my schedule for my thesis paper submission.
Moreover, the thesis was really complex and challenging, therefore, I had tons of tasks waiting for me to be carried out such as collecting data for the report in the thesis, doing group discussions to brainstorm good ideas for the thesis and surfing high and low to collect information online as references for the thesis. I even didn't have time left for my personal stuff. To be more specific, I did not spend time on visiting my parents for the whole month even though they were in the same town. I couldn't also visit some close friends, maintain my social networking profiles and update my blog. I did not feel good about it so it was particularly stressful to me.
However, I knew that I had to stay motivated and productive to get through this hard time. I worked flat out and put a lot of time and effort into it to meet tight deadlines and get the best results for the thesis paper. For the sake of that, I got a straight ‘A’ in my thesis, continued my job and did well in my term final. I had to sacrifice a lot and maintain a strict routine and stop lots of my other activities that I usually do. At the end of the day, it was well worth the effort and time!
Describe a tall building in your hometown you like or dislike
You should say Where this building is What it looks like What it is used for And explain why you like or dislike
You can read the Sample Answer for this topic by checking the post: IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Test in September, 2016 Describe a person/something that made you laugh You should say: What made you laugh Where you were when it happened Who you were with And explain why it made you laugh
You can read the Sample Answer for this topic by checking the post: IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic in September – December 2016 Describe your favorite movie You should say When and where you saw it What type of film it was What the film was about And explain why it is your favorite film
Describe a piece of (electrical or electronic) equipment in your home
You should say: What it is How often you use it Who you usually use it with And explain why this item is important to you
You can read the Sample Answer for this topic by checking the post: IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic in September – December 2016 Describe a gift that you gave someone recently You should say What the gift was Who you gave it to Why you chose that gift
Describe a person who you have met and want to know more about
You should say Who this person is When and where you met What you did or talked about
Describe an interesting song you like
You should say: What it is Which country the song comes from What story the song tells And explain why you think it is interesting
Describe a creative inventor or musician
You should say: Who this person is What this person does How he knew this person And explain why you think this person is creative
Describe a time you missed an appointment for something
You should say: When and where it happened What the appointment was for What happened when you missed it And explain how you felt about missing the appointment
Describe a sport stadium that’s important in your city
You should say: Where it is How often you go there What people do there And explain why you think it is important
Describe a garden you have visited and liked
You should say: Where it was What it looked like What you did there And explain why you liked it there
You can read the Sample Answer for this topic by checking the post: IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic in September – December 2016 Describe an area of subject that you are interested in You should say: What it is When it started to become interested in it What we have learned from it And explain why you have interest in it
Describe a special meal you would like to have
Describe something you did with a group of peopleYou should say: Where you would like to have it Who you would like to have it with What you would like to ca And explain how you would feel about the meal You should say: What the activity was When and where you did it Who you were with And explain how you felt about being part of this group
You can read the Sample Answer for this topic by checking the post: IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic in September – December 2016 Describe a famous person in your country You should say Who this person is How you know this person What this person is famous for And explain why you like this person
Describe a place where you go to relax
You should say Where it is How often you go there What you usually do there And explain why it relaxes you
You can read the Sample Answer for this topic by checking the post: IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic in September – December 2016
Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently (in your free time)
You should say What you did When and where you did it Who you did it with And explain why you think it was interesting or unusual
Describe an advertisement you have seen/heard recently
You should say: When and where you saw it What was advertised What the contents of the advertisements were And explain how you felt about it
Describe a bicycle/motorbike/car trip that is interesting
Describe an interesting photoYou should say: Where you would like to go How you would like to go there Who you would like to go with And explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or bike You should say: Who look it Who was in the photo When the photo was taken And explain why it was interesting
You should say:
What it would be What you need to prepare for it Where you would have this business And explain why you would like to do this business
You can read the Sample Answer for this topic by checking the post: IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic in September – December 2016 Describe a wild animal
You should say:
What it looks like Where you can see it What it likes to eat or do And explain why you like it
Describe something you did with a group of people
You should say:
What the activity was When and where you did it Who you were with And explain how you felt about being part of this group
Describe a sport that you prefer to do and is a little expensive
You should say
What it is How much it usually costs Who usually do it with And explain why you like to do this activity
Describe a place in other countries where you would like to work.
You should say: Where you would like to go What kind of work/job you would like to have When you would like to go Why you want to work in that place
You can read Suggested Answer for this topic by checking the post: IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic in September – December 2016
Describe someone who has a great influence on you
You should say:
Who this person is How she knew this person What influence this person has on you And how you think of the influence
Describe a website you like to visit
You should say: When you found it What it is about How often you visit it Why you like this website
REUSED TOPICS (Theses topics appeared in the actual speaking tests in May – August in 2016 but they are still kept for re-using)
Describe a difficult decision that you once made.
Describe an item that you received and made you happyYou should say: What the decision was How you made your decision What the results of the decision were And explain why it was difficult to make. You should say When you received it What the item was Who gave it to you And explain why you felt happy
Describe something you ate for the first time.
You should say: What it was; When you ate it; Why you ate it; And explain how you felt about it.
Describe something that you had to share with other people, such as public transport, accommodation, and food.
You should say: What it was; Who you shared it with; Why you shared it with others; And explain how you felt about sharing
Describe an activity you do to keep fit
You should say: What the activity is When, where you usually do it How you do it And explain why it can keep you fit.
You can read BAND 9.0 Sample Answer for this topic by checking the post: IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic in September – December 2016
Describe a person who once moved to live with you
You should say: When and where this person moved in How you know -.his person How you got along with this person And how you feel about living with this person
Describe an interesting tradition in your country
You should say: What the tradition is When do you celebrate it How do you celebrate it And explain why it is interesting
Describe a person that you like to spend time with
You should say: Who is this person How do you know this person What you like to do together And explain why you like to spend time with this person
Describe a piece of good news that you received
You should say: What this news was When and where you heard it How you heard it And explain why you think it was good news
Describe a leader you admire
You should say: Who this person is; How you know this person; What skills he or she has for leadership; And explain why you think he or she is a good leader.
Describe a creative person that you admire
You should say: Who is this person How do you know this person What creative things this person likes to do And explain why you admire this person.
Describe a course that you want to learn
You should say: What this course is When you want to learn it Where you can learn it And explain why you want to learn it
Describe an important skill you learned when you were a child
You should say: What this skill was When you learned it How you learned it And explain why you think it was important
Describe an activity that you do in your school after school
You should say: When and where you do What you like to do Who you do it with And how you feel about it
Describe a mistake that you once made
You should say: What the mistake was When, where you made it Who was with you And how the mistake affected you
Describe an occasion you got up extremely early.
You should say: When this happened What you needed to do that day Who you were with And how you felt about getting up early that day
Describe a big company you are interested in.
You should say: What is the company called; How did you know this company; What kind of business this company does; What kinds of interesting activities the company has And why this company is interesting
Describe a method that helps you save money
You should say: What the method is When you started to use it How you knew it and explain why it is helpful
Describe a positive change in your life
You should say: What the change was When it happened How it happened And explain why it was a positive change
Describe an interesting public place that you like to visit
You should say: Where is this place What you can do there Who you like to go with And explain why you think this is an interesting place
Describe a wedding you have been to
You should say: Where it was Who you went with What you saw And how you felt about the wedding
Describe a program or app in your computer or phones
You should say: What the app/program is When, where you found it How you use it And how you feel about it
Describe a situation that made you a little angry.
You should say: What it was that made you angry Where you were when this happened What you were doing at the time And explain why you felt angry.
Describe a (short) journey that you disliked
You should say: Where you went Who you went with What you did And explain why you disliked this journey
Describe an antique or an old object that your family has kept for a long time.
You should say: What it is How your family first got this thing How long your family has had it And explain why it is important
Describe a character or personality of yours
You should say: What it is How it affects your life Where you get it from And how you feel about it |
Posted: 11 Sep 2016 01:00 AM PDT
IELTS Writing Task 1:![]() Identifying the chart: Table INTRODUCTION Paraphrase the question – using the different words to describe what kind of information the table shows BODY [1] Electronic resources is the most striking set of statistics – shows the specific information |
The table shows the change in attitude, over ten years, of students at a particular university to different aspects of its academic provision.
Overall, the most striking set of statistics relate to approval for electronic resources. There was a sharp increase in the number of students giving these resources a good rating, particularly in the first five years: from 45 percent in 2000, to 72 percent in 2005, and 88 percent in 2010. There was also an overall improvement in ratings for teaching quality, though the increase was relatively small (65 percent in 2000 rising to 69 percent in 2010) and there was a decline in the interim (63 percent in 2005). There was also a fluctuation in attitudes to print resources, rising from 87 percent to 89 percent in the first five years and then falling by one percent in 2010. Good ratings for the university’s buildings and teaching facilities were identical throughout, at 77 percent. Finally, there were poor ratings at the beginning of the period for the range of modules offered (32 percent in 2000) and they got worse, falling steadily from to 30 percent in 2005 and 27 percent in 2010.
(195 words)
Useful vocabulary
- Striking
- Sharp increase
- Overall improvement
- Relatively small
- Fluctuation
- Falling steadily
- At the beginning of the period
Hope you can find this post intriguing. Try to practice writing every day to improve your writing skills. You can find more tips and lessons about the IELTS test on Don’t forget “Practice makes perfect”.
Posted: 11 Sep 2016 01:00 AM PDT
Down and outs – Idiom Of The Day For IELTS Speaking.
Definition:people who have no home, no money and no job, who live on the streets.
“My teacher is a warm-hearted person. She always helps down and outs who she met on the streets and hands out food to them.”
“Local council should pay attention to down and outs such as creating more jobs for them to meet human basic needs”
- The sentence given below contains an idiom. From the given alternatives, choose the one that best expresses the meaning of this idiom.
“She’s always giving money to down and outs and anyone who begs in the street.”
A. She gives money to everyone she meets on the street.
B. She gives money to the government.
C. She gives money to poor people who have no home, no job.
D. She is all out money . - Describe the time when you help someone. Try to use this idiom in your speech. You should say:
– When did it happen ?
– What does he/she look like ?
– What did you do to help him/her ?
– And How did you feel when you did it ?
Posted: 11 Sep 2016 01:00 AM PDT
Perceive – Word Of The Day For IELTS Speaking And Writing
Perceive: (Verb) /pəˈsiːv/Definition:
(formal) to notice, see, or recognise somethingSynonyms:
Consider, View, RegardCollocations:
With adverb: as/ often/ widely perceiveWith noun: perceive need/ object/ people/ problem/ threat/ world
For IELTS Speaking:“He perceived that there was no other way out of the crisis.”
“Cats are not able to perceive colour.”
For IELTS Writing:
“This exchange of energy explains how we perceive the world.”
Choose the following words to fill in the blank: designing, range, items, perceive, conducting, restricted, administered, final, chapter, survey.- The government is _______________ tests of a drug that may prove useful in the fight against AIDS.
- During the experiment, the drug was _______________ to a monkey, and the results were studied.
- There is a wide _______________ of abilities in our tennis club, from absolute beginners to those who have played professionally.
- Children do not always _______________ the relationship between success and effort in the things they do.
- All the students were dressed up for the _______________ banquet.
- She is currently working on _______________ a new publicity campaign for the local department store.
- I read the first _______________ of the book last night, and it seems pretty good.
- You should make up a list of the _______________ you want to take with you on your trip.
- Traffic in these lanes is _______________ to vehicles with 3 or more passengers.
- A recent telephone _______________ of over 1,000 households revealed that over 70% of Canadian families now recycle.
1. conducting
2. administered
3. range
4. perceive
5. final
6. designing
7. chapter
8. items
9. restricted
10. survey
Check out Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking & Writing on IELTS Material website to improve your vocabulary for IELTS and get a high score in IELTS.
Posted: 11 Sep 2016 01:00 AM PDT
Question 1-6
What does Lisa say about each object?
Complete the table as follows. Write
A if she says it is ESSENTIAL
B if she says it is RECOMMENDED.
C if she says it is NOT RECOMMENDED.
Example Documents Answer A
1 At least £50 …………
2 Warm clothing …………
3 Personal computer …………
4 Food from home …………
5 Favourite tapes or CDs …………
6 Photos from home …………
Questions 7-10
Complete the sentences below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
The labels on Dan’s luggage must state 'Mr & Mrs 7……………………………. and their address.
Lisa says he should carry some spare clothes in 8……………………………..
For health reasons, Dan intends to wear 9…………………………….during the flight.
Dan should practise carrying his luggage for a minimum distance of 10……………………………..
Questions 11-13
Choose THREE letters A-F.
What does Sally say about universities?
A. Compared to the general population, few students are disabled.
B. Most universities don’t want students aged over 25.
C. Old universities can present particular difficulties for the disabled. D All university buildings have to provide facilities for the disabled. E There arc very few university disability advisors.
F. Some disability advisors can do little to help disabled students.
Questions 14-19
Complete the table below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Disability | Facilities |
General | personal care and assistance |
Mobility impairment | ramps and easy access, fire and emergency procedures 14_____________ |
15___________ | lavatory facilities |
Sight impairment | Braille translators, 17__________on stairs, floors, etc fire and emergency procedures |
Dyslexia | use of computer 18__________ to finish work |
Other difficulties | access to treatment: medication/therapy 19___________ procedures |
Question 20
Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.
20 What is the speaker's main purpose?
A. to explain why comparatively few students are disabled
B. to advise disabled students what to look for in a university
C. to describe the facilities for the disabled in a particular university
D. to criticize the facilities for the disabled in most universities
Questions 21-26
Complete the notes below using letters A-F from the box.
NB You may use any letter more than once.
A. tour of the university campus
B. formal dinner party
C. meeting with 'senior students
D. driving in this country
E. visit to a night club
F. tour of the city
Orientation Course for international students
What Liz liked about the course.
21 …………
22 …………
23 …………
What Mark thinks could be improved.
24 …………
25 …………
26 …………
Questions 27-30
Choose the correct letters A, B, C, or D.
27. Your room during the Orientation Course is
A usually shared with another student.
B the same room you will have for the rest of the year.
C some distance from the university.
D furnished, and with bedclothes provided.
28 The daytime temperature will probably be
A less than 10°C.
B between 10°C and 20°C.
C 20°C.
D more than 20°C.
29 How much free email time do you get?
A 30 minutes
B 20 minutes
C 15 minutes
D 10 minutes
30 There are Orientation Course activities from A Sunday to Saturday.
B Sunday to Friday.
C Monday to Friday.
D Monday to Saturday.
Questions 31-33
Complete the sentences below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Fireworks were first used in China, probably in the 31……………………………. century.
By the following century, they were known in Arabia as 32…………………………
Fireworks first appeared in 33…………………………….in the thirteenth century.

Questions 38-40
Choose the correct letters A, B, C or D.
38 A multibreak shell
A is more dangerous than a simple shell.
B may make a noise when it bursts.
C has a single fuse for all its sections.
39 An aerial heart shape is made by the explosion of
A stars placed inside a shell in the form of a circle.
B heart-shaped stars placed inside a shell.
C stars arranged in the form of a heart inside a shell.
40 What does a Serpentine shell look like in the sky?

Answer key:
- A
- A
- C
- C
- B
- B
- Wark
- his hand luggage
- wear tights
- 500 metres
11 – 13 A, C, F (any order) - A
- C
- F
- lifts that work
- hearing impairment
- visual doorbells
- clear markings
- extra time
- emergency
- D
- C
- B
- F
- E
- A
- D
- D
- B
- B
- C
- sixth/6th
- Chinese Arrows
- Europe
- shell
- 75/seventy-five mm/millimetres
- 500/ five hundred mm/millimetres
- lifting
- B
- C
- B
The texts below are transcript for your IELTS Listening Practice Test. To make the most out of this transcript, we removed some words from the texts and replaced with spaces. You has to fill each space with the missing word by listening to the audio for this IELTS listening practice test.
Section 1
LISA Homestay Language Learning; Lisa McDowEll here. How can I help you?
DAN Hello. My name's Dan…
LISA Hello Dan.
DAN and I'm going to be living with a family in [………………………………]for three months, so I'd like some advice on what to bring with me. I’m flying in via Singapore on the [………………………………].
LISA Right. Well perhaps most important of all are your documents: [………………………………]certificate, [………………………………]letter and the certifying letter from us for [………………………………].
DAN Yes, I've got all those in order, I think. What I'm really wondering about are money and clothes, and things for my room. Personal [………………………………], in other words.
LISA OK, let's start with cash. You'll already have money in your [………………………………]here, of course, but make sure when you get here you have some [………………………………]on you. Pounds that is, not euros or dollars.
DAN How- much do you suggest?
USA I’d say fifty, as an absolute [………………………………].
DAN OK. Now the next thing is which clothes to bring. What do think?
LISA Well, as I'm sure you know it can get [………………………………]cold here, so you will need some warm clothing. There are shops near here that sell winter clothes quite cheaply, so you really don't need to bring much. Do make sure, though, that you have at least one thick [………………………………]and a [………………………………]with you when you arrive here: the [………………………………]likely to be a lot lower than in Singapore!
DAN Thanks for the warning! Now something else I'm not sure about is whether to bring my computer. It's a laptop, so it won't take up much room.
Lisa Two problems: firstly, it might not be [………………………………]with the electricity supply in this country, and, secondly, there's a risk of it getting broken in [………………………………]. Someone travelling here had hers [………………………………]only last month.
DAN But surely I can carry it as hand [………………………………]?
LISA Usually, yes. But because of all the tight security right now you may have to check it in. So my advice is to leave yours at home.
DAN OK, I think I will. Is there anything else you'd advise against bringing?
LISA Well you won't need [………………………………]or cooking things: they'll all be provided. And importing food, of course, isn't allowed by Customs. Though I [………………………………]you already knew that.
DAN Well, er, yes.
LISA But there are one or two things I'd suggest you find room for in your [………………………………]…
DAN Yes?
LISA Perhaps a few of your favourite [………………………………]or compact disks? Of course, you might be able to find them in the shops here, but then again you might not.
DAN That's a good idea. Anything else?
LISA Yes – some photographs of people and places that are [………………………………]to you could be nice. They can really make your room feel like home. It's just a thought.
DAN Hmm. I'll see if I've got a few good ones.
LISA Just a few points about packing: make sure all your cases are clearly [………………………………], in English, with your host family's name and address. Just in case they go missing on the way. It has been known to happen.
DAN What name do I write, by the way?
LISA It's 'Wark', Lewis and Amy Wark.
DAN So that's W-A-L-K?
LISA It's actually W-A-R-K, but we'll be posting full [………………………………]to you later this week.
DAN Right, fine. And I'd better put some [………………………………]in my hand luggage. Enough for a night or two in case, as you say, anything happens to my main, er, cases.
LISA Yes – I'd recommend a change of T-shirt and socks and so on, plus any [………………………………]you may need. And a [………………………………], of course.
DAN And my tights.
LISA Your tights?
DAN Yes, for the flight. Wearing them helps prevent deep-vein [………………………………]when you're flying long distances, not getting any exercise.
LISA Oh yes … I've heard about that. Now talking about exercise, there's one last thing. When you've packed your [………………………………], check you can carry it – all of it – at least [………………………………], without any help. You may have to do that!
DAN OK. Well, thanks for all your help. You've cleared up a lot of points.
LISA You're welcome. Have a safe [………………………………], and we'll look forward to seeing you next month. Bye.
DAN Bye.
Section 2
PRESENTER Welcome to Student Times, the [………………………………]with all the latest on whats happening at [………………………………]around the country. Today we'll be discussing disabled [………………………………], and the kind of support they can expect to find – or not find – at the university of their choice. With me to tell us more is Student Disability [………………………………]Sally Taylor. Good morning, Sally.
SALLY Good morning, Hugh. I'd like to start by [………………………………]that although one in four people has some kind of disability, the [………………………………]among students is much lower. This is [………………………………]because most students are under 25 and many people only develop their [………………………………]as they get older – but it's also because some universities don't do much to [………………………………]access. It is true, though, that some have quite sticky problems when it comes to, for instance, [………………………………]access – ancient buildings, [………………………………]streets built centuries ago, and so on. When faced with such a situation, some universities make an extra special effort to provide for students with particular disabilities, while others have [………………………………]accommodation. In fact, all universities should have a written policy [………………………………]on students with disabilities, setting out what [………………………………]they have, what their [………………………………]is, and what they're prepared to do.
But, having said that, only you can properly understand the [………………………………]of any disability you have, and so, before accepting a place at a university (or even, while you're considering applying, if only to raise the universities’ [………………………………]), it's good to talk to them and find out how much they can (and will) do for you. The problem is who to talk to. Most universities and some students' unions have a disability advisor who is [………………………………]to know what [………………………………]they already have and will help with further [………………………………]if necessary or possible. However, all too often this person is a token. Sometimes it's just an extra responsibility given to a [………………………………]. They don't know what the [………………………………]is in practice, and they don't have any real [………………………………]to change anything. So, given that for any [………………………………]student it's best to visit a university before applying, it’s an especially good idea for students with disabilities or special needs to check whether the place really does come up to [………………………………]. In general, the university should provide personal care and [………………………………], and there are certain key [………………………………]to look out for if you have a particular disability, including the following.
SALLY Firstly, if your [………………………………]is impaired, check there are ramps and easy [………………………………]to all buildings, not just accommodation or teaching rooms. Then, when you're inside, look for clear instructions on fire and [………………………………]procedures for the disabled. Also make sure there are [………………………………]that work – not the usual ones that seem to be out of order half the time – and check for suitable [………………………………]facilities. There is a different set of things to look for if you [………………………………]from any kind of hearing [………………………………]. There should be induction loops in lecture [………………………………], flashing sirens in all rooms, and, in accommodation, visual [………………………………]that light up when somebody calls round to see you. If it is your sight that is [………………………………], there obviously need to be Braille [………………………………]of books and documents. In all buildings, the stairs, floors, [………………………………]and windows must have clear markings, and there also have to be special fire and [………………………………]procedures for you. If you suffer from [………………………………], you will need a computer for general use and in exams. And, as exams may take you longer to [………………………………], you should be allowed extra time in which to do so. This applies to work in general, too. There are of course many other [………………………………]health difficulties that you may suffer from, such as [………………………………], [………………………………], or heart conditions. If this is the case, check the availability of access to appropriate treatment including medication and/or [………………………………]. Finally, make sure that in the event of an emergency, it is clear what you – and other people who may be involved – have to do.
Section 3
JULIA So you were both on last year's [………………………………]Course, then. How did it go?
LIZ I loved it. The activities were well [………………………………], and I met people from all over the world.
MARK Yes, it was useful.
JULIA And you think I should sign up for this year's course?
LIZ Yes, definitely. Apart from being fun, it really does [………………………………]you for all the things you have to do in your first couple of weeks. In fact, one of the most useful things was [………………………………]to people who'd already been there for a year, [………………………………]senior students. They'd been on the Orientation Course the year before last, and [………………………………]it to us. Oh, and there was a great [………………………………]at the formal dinner, too. It was so [………………………………], with people in their traditional dress from Asia, Africa, South America. It was one of the high points of the whole week.
MARK That was right at the end, of course. The first thing they did, on the Monday, was take us on a [………………………………]tour of the Students Union.
LIZ And after that they took us round the city centre, showing us things like the bus [………………………………], the main shops …
MARK And the best [………………………………]…
LIZ Right. So it was very [………………………………].
MARK Yes, though maybe they could have taken us to a better night club. The music at the place we went to was [………………………………].
LIZ That's a matter of taste, surely! Well anyway the next day they showed us round everything on the [………………………………].
MARK And believe me it was everything. We must have [………………………………]miles. I could have done with less information on every building in sight, given that I'll probably never need to go into half of them, and a bit more on [………………………………]everyone's likely to use at some time or other. Like the sports [………………………………], the health centre, the bicycle and car parks…
LIZ Which reminds me, there was an afternoon [………………………………]on how to drive in this country, which [………………………………]to me a bit weird – you know, for a university course.
MARK I suppose it's because there've been accidents [………………………………]students who aren't used to people driving on the left. I was there actually.
LIZ How was it?
MARK Well, I must say I was a bit [………………………………]. There were some useful driving tips, but it might have been more helpful if it had included stuff for [………………………………]. How to avoid getting run over, for example.
LIZ You didn't go to the session on 'safety', then?
LIZ Well [………………………………]that dealt with road safety for pedestrians, along with lots of other [………………………………]of course. I wasn't there myself, but that might be something worth going to, Julia.
JULIA I like the sound of the whole thing. Tell me, what's the accommodation like? Do you have a room to yourself or do you have to [………………………………]? What do you have to take with you?
LIZ For the orientation course, you'll have an individual room in one of the halls of [………………………………]. That'll be a different hall from the one you're [………………………………]into for the year, but they're both on the [………………………………]so you won't have far to go.
MARK And you won't have to take too much with you. The room will have [………………………………], table, [………………………………], bed, mattress, blankets, sheets and so on.
LIZ Take a warm coat or jacket, though. It may well rain and it's unlikely to reach even [………………………………] in late September.
MARK But it shouldn't drop below about ten, at least during the day. Which is something, I [………………………………]!
JULIA Right. Now I know they can't do much about the weather, but did you have the feeling that they were looking after you on the course?
LIZ Yes, we did. There were some little [………………………………]that showed they'd thought about what it was like to be starting a course of study abroad.
JULIA Such as?
LIZ Well it's just a small example, but they gave us free email [………………………………]to contact people at home. [………………………………], if I remember correcdy.
MARK Actually I think it was twenty.
LIZ Yes, you're right. 1 was on for over half an hour and paid for an extra ten or [………………………………]. Not that it was much!
JULIA Emails don't take long to write anyway.
LIZ No, they don't.[………………………………]JULIA So, just one more thing: the [………………………………]. When does the course actually start and finish?
MARK Well a lot of people get there on the Sunday, though you'd have to find a room for an extra night as the course accommodation is only [………………………………]from the Monday, when things get going.
LIZ Then they'll keep you busy all week, until the dinner on the Friday.
JULIA And that's it, is it?
LIZ Yes, there's nothing after that.
MARK Though most people stay over till Saturday, [………………………………]to recover from the party but also because they can then move straight into their [………………………………]rooms.
JULIA 1 think I'll do that. Well, thanks a lot for all your advice. I'm sure I'll enjoy the course.
LIZ I wish I could go on this year's, too!
Section 4
LECTURER Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to this short talk on the [………………………………]of [………………………………]. Now, fireworks, as I'm sure many of you know, were [………………………………]in China, though there has long been [………………………………]as to exactly when, or even in which century. The [………………………………]nowadays, though, is that it was in the sixth, as there is considerable [………………………………]of war rockets being made then. We also know that fireworks were in use by the seventh century in Arabia, where they were called 'Chinese Arrows', [………………………………]their military potential. It then took a long time for them to [………………………………]to Europe: in fact it wasn't until the [………………………………]that fireworks made their appearance there.
LECTURER The basic [………………………………]of fireworks have changed little to this day. Their [………………………………]capacity comes mainly from black powder, also known as [………………………………], which is produced from a mixture of [………………………………], sulphur and potassium nitrate. A modem aerial firework – the kind used nowadays in big public [………………………………], not the small rocket type that you might remember from your childhood – is normally made in the form of a shell, often a [………………………………]about the size of a [………………………………]. Inside the shell are a number of stars [………………………………]by black powder, and running through the centre of the round shell is a charge that makes the [………………………………]explode when it reaches the desired [………………………………]. This is known as the [………………………………]charge. When this explodes, it ignites the outside of the stars, which begin to burn with bright showers of [………………………………]. Since the explosion throws the stars in all directions, you get the huge [………………………………]of sparkling light that is so familiar at [………………………………]displays. A shell of this kind is launched from a [………………………………] millimetre-diameter mortar, which in some ways [………………………………]the type used by the military. The [………………………………]is a steel or – increasingly, for safety reasons – shatterproof plastic pipe. This is likely to be 500 [………………………………]long and sealed at one end. The other end is [………………………………]at the sky and at the bottom of the pipe, below the shell, is placed a [………………………………]containing black powder. This has a long fuse which projects out of the [………………………………]. When this is lit, it quickly burns down to the lifting charge, which [………………………………]to launch the shell. In so doing, it also lights the shell’s [………………………………]. The shell's fuse burns while the shell rises to its correct [………………………………], and then [………………………………]the bursting charge so it explodes. More complicated shells are divided into sections and burst in two or three phases. Shells like this are called [………………………………]shells. They may contain stars of different colours and [………………………………]to create softer or brighter light, more or less sparks, etc. Some shells contain explosives [………………………………]to crackle in the sky, or whistles that explode [………………………………]with the stars. The sections of a [………………………………]shell are [………………………………]by different fuses and the bursting of one section [………………………………]the next. The shells must be assembled in such a way that each section explodes in [………………………………]to produce a distinct separate [………………………………]. The pattern that an [………………………………]shell paints in the sky depends on the [………………………………]of stars inside the shell. For example, if the stars are equally spaced in a cirde, with black powder inside the [………………………………], you will see an aerial display of smaller star [………………………………]equally spaced in a circle. To create a specific [………………………………]in the sky. for instance a heart shape, you create an outline of the figure in stars inside the shell. You then place [………………………………]charges inside those stars to blow them [………………………………]into the shape of a large heart. Each charge has to be [………………………………]at exactly the right time or the whole thing is [………………………………]. Many other shapes have particular names, like the Willow. This is formed by stars that fall in the shape of willow tree [………………………………]spreading a little to the side and then [………………………………]. The high charcoal [………………………………]of the stars makes them long-burning, so they may even stay visible until they hit the ground. The Ring Shell is fairly basic. It is produced by stars [………………………………]outwards to produce a [………………………………]ring of coloured lights. More complex is the pattern created by the [………………………………], which contains large comets, or charges in the shape of a [………………………………]. These travel outwards, explode and then curve downwards like the limbs of a palm tree. The Serpentine, the last one for now, is different again. When this one [………………………………], it sends small tubes of [………………………………]scattering outwards in random paths, which may [………………………………]in exploding stars. It can be quite spectacular.
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